Personal Trainer



  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Check their credentials, get references, do a trial session with one. Like anything else, there are good and bad trainers. A blanket statement like, "Most of them don't know what they're talking about," is unfair.

    Generalizations, when generally true, are *helpful* whether they are fair or not. Any profession where credentials (if required at all) can be obtained comparatively quickly will suffer from low professional standards.

    It's just so difficult to maintain high standards across the profession when:

    a) credentials can be obtained with very little training / testing, and

    b) standards are variable due to the large number of credentialing agencies

    That being said, I have always heard good things about ACSM as a credentialing agency, and suggest trying to find a trainer with certs through them. If you are looking for something specific, there are additional certs for many of the specialized types of training.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I decided I needed to raise the bar on my workouts, researched trainers. Found one and that began a wonderful love/hate relationship. I hated him while I was working out but loved him when it was time to go. He helped me jump start my workouts, showed me things I never knew. It was the best investment and I'd do
    It again in a heartbeat.
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 367 Member
    Upon meeting a personal trainer, you should be able to determine 2 things.

    1. They Care <- This is the most important thing, look for passion. If this does not exist, It doesn't matter if they know anything at all.

    2. They can educate <- Training is about making the trainee better. The trainer should be educated enough, and capable of explaining things to you in a way you can understand, and if you don't should be capable of offering an alternative explation until you do. Training is about sharing the WHY it works and not the HOW to do something.

    ^^ This right here. If this doesn't happen, you end up with a trainer like mine. Not that he is bad, because he is totally good. . . for the session. Anything beyond that, he is useless. He says text me if you have questions when your doing it on your own, and I do, and get nothing. My package initially allowed me to see him every week, which was great because I could learn new things and had accountability. Now that it has dropped down to every other week ( which won't start until the 18th, so I have two weeks without training now) I have no clue what I am suppose to be doing. I expected him to help me develop a plan with my goals in mind, and nothing. Also, I had mentioned food is an issue, and he doesn't offer many suggestions for that either.

    When I am there, he is great. Pushes me, acts supportive, chatty, etc. But once my time is up. . . well you get the idea. I am very personal with my clients ( photography and jewelry) and with a career such as personal training, I would think you should be more personal with that too.

    It is a good idea to interview other trainers, I went off of a recommendation from the sales rep. I like my pt in some regard, but ultimately, our importance levels are different. . . that makes it hard to stay positive.

    Good luck!
  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    I have a personal trainer that I work with 2x/week for strength training & weights. I do cardio the other days on my own. He is FABULOUS! I am in health care & would like to think I have a pretty good handle on nutrition, but he has taught me amazing things that have made a huge difference for me. I tried NOT to go to him because I know him personally (my ex-husband's cousin), but when I asked around, and around, everyone kept saying his name. I wanted the best so I went for it & am thrilled that I have. It's pricey, but I justify it by saying I use the money save no drinking soda or eating fast food. He pushes me farther than I would probably push myself & creates a whole additional level of accountability for me, which I need. I have no regrets.