Seems Like I'm Always Getting Sick.

Maybe it's just the luck of the draw, but it always seems like I'm getting sick. If it's not a cold, it's a stomach bug. If it's not that, I'm too tired to do anything. The weather here doesn't help. It's hot one day and then cold the next. Any suggestions? I'm assuming I should just stick it out. I don't really think there is much to do about it.

By the way, I'm not the one for medicine, unless I HAVE to take it. I don't want my body to get used to it and then not be able to heal accordingly.


  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Honestly, I would start taking a multivitamin, and ask the doc to run a full vitamin and mineral panel on you. You may have a deficiency that's super easy to fix! It's the little things that make a big difference in our health :)

    Feel better!
  • rrrbecca11
    I seriously have not been sick in years. I only eat a whole foods, plant-based diet, nothing processed. I'm vegetarian. I am 54 years old, walk and strength train nearly every day, have a very active life, amazing energy and stamina, sleep well at night and love life. :-)

    But when I was YOUR was a different story. :-) I lived. I learned. I gave up meat and processed foods and refined sugar.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I have not been sick in a few years now.

    Unlike an earlier responder, I eat a widely omnivorous diet (yes... complete with cheeseburgers, cupcakes and pizza.) I don't think there is any way of knowing whether or not a plant-based, nothing processed diet really makes a difference in the number of colds and stomach bugs you get. In fact, the last time I was violently ill, it was from contaminated local, organic greens I bought from the farmers market. Even though I washed them thoroughly, I still got sick. Lots of people in my area did. Unfortunately, a lot of times, getting sick does come down to luck.

    I get plenty of sleep. I try to keep stress levels low. I practice careful hygiene (handwashing, using a papertowel to open doors in public restrooms, wiping down shopping cart handles, etc). I get a flu shot each year. It seems to work for me.
  • autumnridge
    autumnridge Posts: 97 Member
    Could it be psychological from a season affected disorder? I am struggling at this time because I really dislike cold weather and it leaves me tired and lacking in enthusiasm for anything. I saw something today about eating a handful of dried tart cherries every night to help with winter blues. It is worth trying at least! And as someone else suggested, you may need a multivitamin. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and eating lots of fruits and vegetables. I realize we're all amateur sleuths here, but maybe someone will suggest something helpful to you! :smile:
  • GoddessAndraste
    Honestly, I would start taking a multivitamin, and ask the doc to run a full vitamin and mineral panel on you. You may have a deficiency that's super easy to fix! It's the little things that make a big difference in our health :)

    Feel better!

    Definitely agree with this. I take a multivitamin, 500mg Vitamin C, and 1000-2000 IU of Vitamin D3 (I live in the Northwest, the extra D is recommended for us anyway. I do 1000 spring/summer, and 2000 fall/winter).

    Flu shot! I work in retail, and there's no way I would skip this. Everyone should get a flu shot and save themselves a lot of misery.

    I also wash my hands constantly (and use hand sanitizer, which I hate, but it's better than nothing). At work, I wipe down my phone, keyboard/mouse, and desk and drawer/cabinet pulls every day. Myself and another coworker are the self-confessed germophobes of the group, but we're also nearly the last ones left who haven't gotten hit with *something* while everyone else has been dropping like flies.

    Sometimes there's just no avoiding it, though. If I bug sets its sights on you, there's not much to do but damage control.
  • ajball90
    ajball90 Posts: 211 Member
    I used to be exactly the same. Lately I have been drinking a acai berry smoothy every couple of has heapppss of antioxidents, and it haven't got sick since I started drinking it, so seems to be working so far.
  • FrancesGallagher
    FrancesGallagher Posts: 88 Member
    If you haven't checked with your health professional it is time to do so. You could have an allergy such as glutten intollerance and that certainly gives intestinal discomfort and other problems. You should not be sick often, everyone gets a cold now and then or some minor illness but if it happens often it is time to find out why. Good luck and take care.fg
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Honestly, I would start taking a multivitamin, and ask the doc to run a full vitamin and mineral panel on you. You may have a deficiency that's super easy to fix! It's the little things that make a big difference in our health :)

    Feel better!

    This is really sound advice. I had that problem for years, And when I went to the doctor she ran an HIV test ( which was NEGATIVE) along with a vitamins and mineral panel. My vitamin d was extremely low, which was the only abnormal result I had on those tests but it threw my system out of whack. Now I'm taking vitamin d supplements and I feel like a brand new person!
  • SmallerBecky
    I firmly believe that organic apple cider vinegar (Bragg's with "the mother") heals and prevents just about anything! I drink like a tablespoon of it every day to keep me healthy and I make my kids drink it when they come down with something (they hate it; I actually kind of like it!). Lately, like for the past week or so, I've been drinking two or three tablespoonfuls spread out over the day because I've heard that a nasty flu is going around my kids' schools. I also believe that trying to get as close to eight hours of sleep a night as possible, doing at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, etc. do their job!
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    Honestly, I would start taking a multivitamin, and ask the doc to run a full vitamin and mineral panel on you. You may have a deficiency that's super easy to fix! It's the little things that make a big difference in our health :)

    Feel better!

    No excuses. I know I should take a multivitamin. I used to about a year or so ago, but it hurt my stomach. Weird, I know. Actually, I can't figure out if I was just sick at the time when I started taking them or if it was the brand.

    I also wash my hands constantly (and use hand sanitizer, which I hate, but it's better than nothing). At work, I wipe down my phone, keyboard/mouse, and desk and drawer/cabinet pulls every day. Myself and another coworker are the self-confessed germophobes of the group, but we're also nearly the last ones left who haven't gotten hit with *something* while everyone else has been dropping like flies.

    I am very weird about washing my hands as well. My boss looks at me like I'm some kind of freak. lol I deal with money all the time, so I try not to touch my face.

    I went to the doctor about a month ago and they checked my white blood count and they said everything was fine. I guess I can't help that I live in Florida and the weather changes on a daily basis. It's bound to take a toll on me. I received a message from someone after they read this post and reminded me to start taking my probiotics again. I do appreciate all the suggestions! If things still persist, I will try each and every one of these outs.