Are carbs really that bad?



  • hbmcracer
    hbmcracer Posts: 105 Member
    GI is meaningless unless you have diabetes.

    I disagree with this, GI is important if you want to avoid future diabetes as well. If you eat a bunch of high GI foods your chances of getting diabetes are pretty high. I know this from experience, I bought in to all the eat whole grain wheat bread and brown rice crap while I was in the Marine Corps. And that was fine when I was burning 1500-2000 calories a day by exercising, but when I got out and stopped running that much I didn't cut back on the carbs because they were the "healthy ones" I call BS there are no healthy carbs that come from grain.

    If you only exercise 3-5 hours a week eat less than 150g of carbs a day and you should be alright, if you want to lose weight eat less and make sure they are from fruits and veggies not grain. Your body DOES NOT need carbs at all, your liver will make glucose for energy out of protein.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    That still doesn't sound like someone that has any nutritional education.:wink:

    carbs are very bad for weight loss, if you are getting carbs from fruit and veg there isnt an issue, the issue lies with bread,pasta, white potato etc. read any nutritionist books and you will learn why I have put what i have posted.
    LOL at scientific journals that say carbs like potatoes and bread are doesn't work that way.

    what are you on about? listen mate if you cant even be arsed to put a picture on here of your self, I would suggest you dont comment on this thread, mr faceless.

    here is my opinion bad carbs and seems alot of people agree with this, I avoid, white bread, white pasta,rice, etc, good carbs fruit,veg, wholemeal stuff, heres a thought....... any weight loss for a human being has been based around diet and calorie restriction in the last 40 years, but why is the population continuing to get bigger? a diet in high protein works better for me, you dont see body builders at 3%body fat, eating more carbs than protein thus the reason why I believe carbs are bad for weight loss, but thats just my opinion, everybodys body is different and each to their own.
  • hello77kitty
    hello77kitty Posts: 260 Member
    I started my diet eating no carbs from bread, potatoes, pasta etc, just from fruit and veggies. Lost I decided to add whole grain bread, cereal, fiber bars. Still losing weight!
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    you want to keep all your hard earned muscle ,while burning fat it's very important that you keep your protein intake as high as possible. Because carbohydrates are the bodys main source of energy it will always use them up first. Once there is no carbohydrates left your body will turn to it's fat storage. If you do not have enough protein intake per day, your body will start taking protein from the muscles resulting in catabolism (breaking down of muscle tissue).

    So your blow out neandthin! :laugh:
  • I usually have around 4 slices of wholemeal bread a day, and pasta/spaghetti and wholemeal cereals, but how bad are carbs? I might try a low carb diet depending on the answers i get. I might have fruit and veg for lunch instead of bread.
    You wont be having much fruit if you do low carb. Your not allowed fruit at all during induction which is a minimum of two weeks.
  • Finally22
    Finally22 Posts: 305 Member
    I love carbs. I eat aboit 55% carbs. Carbs are the body s prefered fuel.

    How do you know what % of carbs works for you?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I love carbs. I eat aboit 55% carbs. Carbs are the body s prefered fuel.

    How do you know what % of carbs works for you?

    Trial and error. If you feel tired or sluggish and/or have trouble getting through your workouts you may not be getting enough total calories, or if your carbs are low that is probably what it is. If you are training for any distance event (half-marathon, 10K etc. your body will require a lot of carbs)
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    you want to keep all your hard earned muscle ,while burning fat it's very important that you keep your protein intake as high as possible. Because carbohydrates are the bodys main source of energy it will always use them up first. Once there is no carbohydrates left your body will turn to it's fat storage. If you do not have enough protein intake per day, your body will start taking protein from the muscles resulting in catabolism (breaking down of muscle tissue).

    So your blow out neandthin! :laugh:
    Not at all. He brought up protein as an arguement, which is a basic strawman arguement. Instead of talking about carbs he made an arguement that protein is what works for him. We were talking about carbs, not protein. Sometimes it's hard to accept defeat. :devil:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    carbs are very bad for weight loss, if you are getting carbs from fruit and veg there isnt an issue, the issue lies with bread,pasta, white potato etc. read any nutritionist books and you will learn why I have put what i have posted.
    LOL at scientific journals that say carbs like potatoes and bread are doesn't work that way.

    what are you on about? listen mate if you cant even be arsed to put a picture on here of your self, I would suggest you dont comment on this thread, mr faceless.

    here is my opinion bad carbs and seems alot of people agree with this, I avoid, white bread, white pasta,rice, etc, good carbs fruit,veg, wholemeal stuff, heres a thought....... any weight loss for a human being has been based around diet and calorie restriction in the last 40 years, but why is the population continuing to get bigger? a diet in high protein works better for me, you dont see body builders at 3%body fat, eating more carbs than protein thus the reason why I believe carbs are bad for weight loss, but thats just my opinion, everybodys body is different and each to their own.

    People are getting bigger because people are overeating. It has nothing to do with the types of food. People are eating an average of 600 calories a day more than they were 40 years ago. The actual macro ratios haven't changed that much, although fat has gone down, and protein and carbs have gone up slightly. It's really a simple problem, people have been eating more and more, and become more and more sedentary. It has nothing to do with "ZOMG! EVIL CARBS!"
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    you want to keep all your hard earned muscle ,while burning fat it's very important that you keep your protein intake as high as possible. Because carbohydrates are the bodys main source of energy it will always use them up first. Once there is no carbohydrates left your body will turn to it's fat storage. If you do not have enough protein intake per day, your body will start taking protein from the muscles resulting in catabolism (breaking down of muscle tissue).

    So your blow out neandthin! :laugh:
    Not at all. He brought up protein as an arguement, which is a basic strawman arguement. Instead of talking about carbs he made an arguement that protein is what works for him. We were talking about carbs, not protein. Sometimes it's hard to accept defeat. :devil:


    Reading through your posts you have not wrote anything informative,to back up with what you say, so I dont know what your going on about in terms of accepting defeat?? you have no picture which only make me think you have something to hide, are you embarrassed by your appearance? because if I were you I would be embarrassed reading your posts, I would suggest you leave this forum to the serious peeps!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    you want to keep all your hard earned muscle ,while burning fat it's very important that you keep your protein intake as high as possible. Because carbohydrates are the bodys main source of energy it will always use them up first. Once there is no carbohydrates left your body will turn to it's fat storage. If you do not have enough protein intake per day, your body will start taking protein from the muscles resulting in catabolism (breaking down of muscle tissue).

    So your blow out neandthin! :laugh:
    Not at all. He brought up protein as an arguement, which is a basic strawman arguement. Instead of talking about carbs he made an arguement that protein is what works for him. We were talking about carbs, not protein. Sometimes it's hard to accept defeat. :devil:


    Reading through your posts you have not wrote anything informative,to back up with what you say, so I dont know what your going on about in terms of accepting defeat?? you have no picture which only make me think you have something to hide, are you embarrassed by your appearance? because if I were you I would be embarrassed reading your posts, I would suggest you leave this forum to the serious peeps!

    The orginal arguement was that eating pasta and white potatoes were bad, I suspect you believe that, or you wouldn't be argueing now........actually you said carbs were very bad, not just bad, but very bad.........I can only conclude that if you look through all my posts based on that statement, were not going to agree on much, and I'm fine with that......obviously you need a more studies to look through before we can talk about carbs. let alone protein.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I love how his entire counter argument is "You don't have an avatar pic, so you can't know what you're talking about!" You would think that if he really had a clue he'd actually respond with some studies, some facts, anything, but no, it's just "Y U NO HAVE PIC?"

    I wonder which person makes makes more sense to the casual observer...