Am I being childish?!?!?



  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Before joining MFP, I would have agreed with you about the motivation and direction being all self-generated. I came here after researching the food databases of several online trackers. This was the best one. But, since then, the communities helped me find some awesome people who I have come to care about, and it lightens my day to hear from them. In a weak moment during the day, I might check my page and see someone else struggling, and through encouraging them, I encourage myself. I never expected this would play such an important part in my program.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member

    I guess it only bothers me because this personal was always an inspiration with success stories, great motivation with words of wisdom and I always looked forward to it. More bumbed and of course I could request as friends again, but... if I dont log in for a couple days, will they delete me again. Any advice?:frown: :frown:

    Weight loss sites have massive turnover. People sign up, all gung-ho, then disappear. It's not out of place to assume someone who hasn't logged in for a long time may not be back. It wouldn't bother me to be deleted. If it was a person I really wanted to keep in touch with, I would just send another friend request. If not, I'd forget about it. I have seen posts about this before and always wondered why it upsets someone.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    When MFP alerts me that someone on my friend's list hasn't been on for a while, I post them a message on my news feed or send a message. Hopefully, they will get the message in their regular email.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Thank you all for your responses and after reading everyones great advice I have learned this...

    *I am not childish-just over sensitive and to stop letting ths little bit get me down.
    *I have struggled for years and friends and family has given up when times got hard, here they push to the max.
    *I am committed 100%, not logging on everyday in a row doesnt mean I am not true to my goals (personal issue=unable to pay internet bill a couple times = no internet...)
    *This is a place to loose weight and motivation= those that I consider "friends" to help me along the way.
    *I am committed for me, I am there for me, I am there for others that are in the same boat as me, need the support because even on a "internet site" I cannot always do it alone. That is why we all are here....together!!!

    Thanks again, I do feel much better and kicken weight loss in the butt!!!!
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    Sometimes I take friend requests so I can see who the person is and if we have something in common. If we don't and we don't remain in contact, I probably have deleted them. In the beginning, when I didn't know what the site was all about, I accepted requests and found later that those people had nothing in common with me and we did not communicate so I cleaned it up and moved on. There are many reasons why someone is "unfriended."