but...what does it DO?

Ok, these are probably going to be stupid questions, but it's stuff i've always wondered. So I know that too much sodium is bad because it causes water retention and you will gain weight. I also know that too much sugar is just something we're not supposed to have much of anyway, and can lead to diabetes. But what if you're over in carbs? Protein? Fiber? What are the effects?


  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    If you are over in protein, then that is good! No bad effects, more muscle sparing.
    Over in carbs and in a calorie deficit then you have no problems unless your protein and fat intake are suffering
    fiber? well if you are too over in that you can decrease the absorption of nutrients but you have to be WAY over. You also will be able to clear a whole room of people because of gas xD
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    over protein makes you get gas :laugh:
  • Hungry_Tuna
    Hungry_Tuna Posts: 361 Member
    Great article on 8 side effects of Too Much Protein:

    A lot of this I've read in countless sources on the web.

    In turn, here are the effects of too much sodium: http://www.livestrong.com/article/292935-the-side-effects-of-too-much-sodium/
    (Also good information in there!)

    Sugar, obviously isn't good to consume in excess... but taking a few seconds to google and do some research will go a long way! There's a lot of information out there from trusted sources. Seeing the same tips/info on several sites is a good indicator that it's most likely correct.

    Good luck!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    over protein makes you get gas :laugh:

    Which falls under the category of 'someone else's problem'!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Great article on 8 side effects of Too Much Protein:

    A lot of this I've read in countless sources on the web.

    In turn, here are the effects of too much sodium: http://www.livestrong.com/article/292935-the-side-effects-of-too-much-sodium/
    (Also good information in there!)

    Sugar, obviously isn't good to consume in excess... but taking a few seconds to google and do some research will go a long way! There's a lot of information out there from trusted sources. Seeing the same tips/info on several sites is a good indicator that it's most likely correct.

    Good luck!

    Just a note: MANY if not all of those side effects on too much protein are rare. Hard to actually be getting that much protein that you will have a seizure xD

    I have about 120+ grams per day.
    as for the sugar - just a carbohydrate. Going over sugar and staying under your calorie goals will not effect your fat loss