Looking for advice from people almost at their target weight

not exactly new, but I'm maybe looking for people who are near their weight goal and can give me some advice on how to lose that last 5 pounds since I'm finding it rather difficult. Of course I'm open to adds from anyone who will be positive and help me to lose more weight :)


  • cchartzell
    Try mixing up your normal routine... exercise more or do different things when you do exercise, or eat different foods. Sometimes getting stuck in a rut can make you plateau.

    Another suggestion (something that worked for me) is to take some time off and just maintain current weight when that last 5-10 is really hard. In a few weeks start back up again and it will be a little easier to lose. It's also hard because weight loss slows down a lot towards the end when you don't have much to lose. So be patient and stick with it. :)

    The last part is the hardest! Hang in there!
  • remyegomez
    Just remember if you are doing any strength training that muscle weighs a lot more than fat. So your weight might stay the same for a while even if you are slimming down. As you start to weigh less you burn fewer calories because your body doesn't have to work as hard. Make sure you keep eating your body is really smart and will store calories if you start to deprive it. Try not to get hung up on a number. As a guy any girl with a nice body is better than one that is just thin. Keep working hard and it will come off. Good luck on the last 5!!