
I am disappointed in myself, I do so well during the day and feel in control and then night time comes around and i see i have extra calories still so i eat dinner and then keep eating till i go to bed. I start feeling out of control and get into the mindset of binging again. I am very upset with myself because every morning i wake up and say today is going to be different, but i cant seem to get myself completely focused since thanksgiving when i actually let myself eat what i wanted. I havent been tracking everything like i should be. I havent been making it to the gym the last couple days because i have been so busy with finals and work. I just want to feel in control again and have the positive mindset i started out with. I dont know what to do really stop these bad habits and realize am going to backtrack and undo everything ive worked for. Just needed to vent :)


  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I have the same problem. I do really well during the day and seem to lose it when I come home.

    I think, for me, it's that I'm so busy and always running that I don't get that chance to much. Once I'm at home and giving my kids their dinner, it's easy to graze and grab a bite of this and a bite of that all the way up until I go to bed.

    When I realize it I can sort of stop it but mant times especially during that time of the month, I do feel out of control.

    Hang in there, you're not the only one.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Plan your entire day's meals ahead of time. That way, you won't go "oh look at these calories, I can eat more." I usually have 2-3 days planned ahead of time -- every meal, every snack, every drink. I'm flexible about it, but having a detailed plan still helps.
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    How much are you eating during the day? You should eat around 3/4 of your calorie allowance throughout the day then have dinner with lots of lean protein. I find it really helpful to have healthy snacks regularly through the day.

    Then in the evenings are you really hungry? Or thirsty, bored, lonely, tired? Work out what you're really feeling and work on fixing that.

    Also, you could try not keeping high calorie snacks in the house, stocking up in low cal snacks, drink a cup of hot tea or another hot drink or just water?

    Good luck on your journey...
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    You've lost 29 lb! You already know how to do this. :-) I agree with planning, or looking at your macro nutrients and see what you haven't gotten much of during the day, and make up and measure out your snack around those deficits. Then drink a glass of water and brush your teeth. I find the taste of toothpaste kills the yumminess of anything you eat after. :-P
  • rochey1098
    If I don't eat properly during the day then this happens. I eat my biggest meal at breakfast these days because I recognize that while my brain isn't necessarily craving it, I will burn it off working within the following hours. If I don't eat much during the day then I feel like I could eat everything in the cupboards by the night so there's naff all point
  • hsnbro
    hsnbro Posts: 55
    I am the same way - good during the day and sometimes get out of control at night - I am finding I need to be more active not only by exercise, but other activities as well - to keep my mind away from eating
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    set yourself up with some distraction techniques

    some of mine are -
    have a warm drink and promise myself I will have something to eat in 30min if I truly need it
    do an online game or sudoku
    start a craft project
    paint nails
    have a nice warm bubble bath and go to bed with a book - that one I save for when I am really needy - buy taking myself away from the food it helps
  • KristieKRN
    KristieKRN Posts: 71 Member
    I had read this, and it makes sense to me: our body craves food, particularly carbs when we are tired. It is looking for energy to keep going. I work 12+ hour midnight shifts and have started paying attention to when I want to binge - it is usually around 8 in the morning when I get home and am ready to go to bed. Especially if I am purposely trying to stay awake (usually am off that night and would like to sleep same time as the hubby) It seems like I will keep eating and not be satisfied.

    So start looking at that and pay attention to those times. If you are truly tired - go to bed and catch up on some sleep!
  • samuel249
    Plan your meals ahead of time and make sure you drink a lot of water before dinner to suppress your appetite. Make sure you get rid of all the junk foods so you don't fall in to temptation, swap the junk foods for fruits (apples,carrots,grapes,banana)
  • stephreed11
    stephreed11 Posts: 158 Member
    I am the exact same way. I'm going to start adding my food in the night before & ONLY eat what's in my diary (except for the occasional last minute switch if I don't really know where were going for dinner, etc.) Hoping this will help!
  • venetianz
    venetianz Posts: 78 Member
    I have the same problem. But i found a solution that works perfectly. I dont know if it healthy but dont snack inbetween meal during the day especially if u snack on crackers and fruits. Buy sweetners or tabs for hot drinks and low fat milk if you drink your tea with milk. When you get home make some tea while cooking, After dinner when you feel like binjing have your snacks and hot drinks. I also love coke zero.

    Another trick that i use when im really tempted is i use my mouth wash after dinner. the mint is so strong to a point where it makes the food taste bitter. Works like magic
  • CAN_DO
    CAN_DO Posts: 37 Member
    set yourself up with some distraction techniques

    some of mine are -
    have a warm drink and promise myself I will have something to eat in 30min if I truly need it
    do an online game or sudoku
    start a craft project
    paint nails
    have a nice warm bubble bath and go to bed with a book - that one I save for when I am really needy - buy taking myself away from the food it helps

    This is a brilliant tip i use this one - as i have too i have no will power. You can do it - you are more than half way dont get dishearted now. we can do it!!!!
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    Some great posts on this thread, fab ideas!

    One thing I would add - I find I do better not picking in the late pm and in the evening if I have a good midday lunch...it takes away my need to snack.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    These are all really good ideas.

    My advice is to log it anyways. You might be surprised. You might've horrified. But you'll know. And forewarned is forearmed.
  • chrissyKar
    chrissyKar Posts: 98 Member
    I just have so much to say here ! really appreciate the sharing, its so encouraging. I don't feel so alone in my weight struggles since joining MFP :smile:

    I can totally relate to it being tricky to not eat to much at night. You are already doing such a great job in having lost weight, and you are looking great! its not too bad so long as you get back into it again the next day :wink:
    Also maybe think about whether your calorie intake is matching to your lifestyle you may actually need to eat more during the day especially if you are more active :smile:

    I lost weight a few years ago and was fit and healthy but then I gained it back when I was on a medication that made me want to eat all the time ! I know how hard it can be to get started again.

    The only things that seem to work for me are ( ie not to eat too much at night)
    *plan a night time snack - I find yoghurt is really good as its kind of like having a dessert :smile:
    *plan to have protein at every meal - it fills me up heaps !! I find it really good
    *herbal drinks
    * after dinner brush my teeth so I can't eat so easily :laugh:
    * most of all I ban my problem foods so I can't eat so much of it !! I only have it on weekends/ or out socially with family or friends as a treat ( mine are icecream, chocolate, bread ! yes bread I can't even have it in the house)

    You will figure out what is best for you :smile:
    Just keep swimming
  • MsLadyLainey
    I am the exact same way. I'm going to start adding my food in the night before & ONLY eat what's in my diary (except for the occasional last minute switch if I don't really know where were going for dinner, etc.) Hoping this will help!

    This is absolutely the BEST way to go ... It's all in the planning!! (and then you can adjust your quantities if you want to add a treat)
  • ahersh00
    Could it be that you are eating more during the evening becaue you've starved yourself during the day? That's what happens to me. Maybe you should try eating more during the day so you feel full.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I find if I eat more through the day, I don't need as much come the evening.

    Here's some helpful tips to remember..

  • davepavone
    Most seem to do this Myself included. I had to set a time frame, so two hours before I turn in I cannot eat. It seems to work you just have to enforce it
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    omg its like im reading my own thoughts.
    I always have oatmeal and fruit in the morning or something as healthy (i noticed i never allowed myself to eat unhealthy in the morning, don't wanna ruin the fresh start)
    i do good at lunch and afternoon snacks and then in the evening (especially when i dont have to study, and just watch movie or something) i screw up badly. Almost every night. and i NEVER log that.
    What i do is plan my meals in advance. Most of the times I know what im gonna do tomorrow and where im gonna be so i log my meals before and just try my best to stick to it.
    It really worked for me. It feels worse to add something (like ice cream) to your perfect planned day, than to just forget about it.
    Try it :)