Lost all motivation

I'm back after taking a month off from MFP. I have not lost any weight during this time but I have also not gained, I did not give up on trying I just wanted a break from all the calorie counting it was starting to take over my life.

My weight loss has also been so slow that I'm not sure if I want to carry on or not, it's soul destroying when you exercise and eat correctly and don't see the scale budging. My measurements have also been standing still. I think I need an entire revamp of by eating habits and exercise routine.

Any advice would be appreciated.


  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Welcome back, we missed you! :flowerforyou:

    Firstly congratulations on maintaining - that's even harder than losing for many people, especially without tracking everything!

    Maybe it's worth looking at goals that don't involve the scale or measuring tape. Certainly I've barely shifted on those fronts for the last month or two, but I've shaken up my workout routine and added Body Pump and that's made my running easier, faster and injury-free, which is a huge achievement for me!

    Perhaps you could enter an event to motivate you. May I recommend the following:

  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    I myself hit a plateau when my weight got stuck for a while...I will tell you what I did in the mail.
  • julie204
    julie204 Posts: 130
    i am glad someone on here feels the same as me my weight has not shifted for 6 months now i am fed up with counting cals i might take a break out not sure what to do really i have lost 29 pounds sorry i cant help you might start again after christmas give body a rest think it needs it
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I have not shifted in weight for over 8 months - seriously. I understand how hard it is to keep going BUT are you keeping track of your progress other wise? I would have given up a long time ago but I decided to watch my measurments and to judge by how much my speed/endurance has gotten better. Try to remember that the scale is only one way to measure your progress, and keep on going.

    I usually find that when I am ready to quit doing things I need to change them up because I am bored... maybe thats all you need to do?
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    I'd suggest sneaking up on your unwanted pounds from a different angle.
    -If you've been calorie counting, why not try another kind of diet for a bit (go for low GI or Atkins style or something) .
    -or Try eating your meals differently (more breakfast and less dinner)
    -or try a veggie diet if you are used to red meat
    Try a new exercise routine/activity - or just timetable it differently.
    At least it won't be boring and a change = a rest for your body. Perhaps this will lift you from the rut?
    Well done for sticking with it - good luck!
  • I've only just started MFP but I'm here because I was told that maybe watching every calorie was the way I needed to go after hitting a plateau over several months - so I know your feeling of frustration well. And I am frustrated, but I keep going 'cause all I can think of is that I really don't want the alternative - giving up only leads to a body that will feel like sludge; and really, who wants to go back to that?

    Have you thought about shaking things up a bit? Maybe give yourself a monthly goal such as some sort of competition? For example, for 2011 I tried to run a 5K race every month. My personal goal was to try to get faster each race (didn't quite do that btw) so I wasn't competing against anyone else, but it gave me a goal, it took me out of the gym, it made me interact with throngs of people in a fun environment, and it raised money for worthy causes. The Running Room website is where I usually find out about the races, but a local YMCA or gym may post announcements too.

    For 2012 I'll be running 5K and 10K's - and so far I have myself pre-registered for a race every month from February to June! Sometimes changing your motivation goal can help you see progress in areas beyond the scale. :)
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    there is a post (somewhere in the recent posts, i bumped it within the last hour) about answering questions and it talks about the phases of weight loss.
    Phase two is where you are at, when you get stuck and frustrated. PUSH through ,be sure you are eating enough calories, keep exercising, and it will happen, but likely alot slower than it did in the beginning. you can do this, dont give up!!!!!!!!!!!
  • amiez
    amiez Posts: 8
    I totally understand where you are coming from.....I lost 40+ pounds 3 years ago. It just came flying off. Gained some of it back and it is so slow to lose. I went 4 weeks not losing a pound and was ready to give it all up. I'm hanging in there and hope you do too! We deserve it!
  • Thank you all for your motivation :flowerforyou: