Feeling demotivated and disappointed.



  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Your progress is quite similar to mine, and I can definitely see the diff in your pics, but pics or no the clothes tell the story, don't they? Four/five sizes smaller---Yay Us!!
    All the folks at MFP have offered such good tips for continued success, I don't have much to add except this:
    SMILE!! Smile at your friends, at strangers, especially people at the gym(they are fighting the good fight too!), you don't have to start a conversation or anything, just acknowledge their presence as a fellow human making their way thru the day.
    It may be hard at first and feel totally awkward, but it can become a habit after awhile...flashing a smile can actually improve YOUR MOOD...
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    I am feeling completely demotivated right now. We got back the wedding pictures from my sisters wedding and quite honestly I don't see a difference between me when I was at my highest and me now. I absolutely hate it.

    I struggle with losing weight. I've been fighting this fight since 2009, when I hit my highest weight of 191 lbs.
    You can pretty much see the whole weight journey in a nice little graph here - http://www.tickerfactory.com/weight-loss/wcSyj6r/
    Since then I've been trying different things to lose weight. The one thing I do know is that if I try to do too much all at once I fail pretty quickly and that a slow change is better for me.

    I despise the gym but that comes from not really being a social person in general. I prefer the company of books to people, so going to exercise in front of people is just horrible. I really hate the idea I might have to talk to someone at the gym.

    I do better with exercise at home but I'm currently in a very unsupportive situation. My mother is very good at sabotaging me from things like not wanting to watch portion control to buying the food she knows are my trigger foods. If she knows I'm exercising she gets worse with these things. To make it worse she mostly home when I am and that means I rarely get time on my own to do exercise videos and the like when she's not around.

    I work 12 hour days, which leave me exhausted. In the run up to Christmas I'm looking at spending 6 days a week doing that. There is zero healthy food at work. It's all chips and deep fried food.

    The kicker is I'm now a UK size 14, I used to be a size 18 to 20. My measurements are much smaller I just can't see it. The scale says I'm lighter than I've ever been. I can never remember being this light.
    However I currently feel at my worst.

    Highest weight
    Blue Jeans, black t-shirt and white watch.

    August of this year
    Bridesmaid on the left

    THERE IS A HUGE difference!! you look much much smaller?!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Look up girl! I can see a difference. Your waist is smaller and your arms are most definitely thinner. Those aren't the best pictures to compare.

    It is hard to stay positive especially when results are hard to see. I've been up and down on my weight and it can be an emotional struggle especially when support is lacking. Trust me. Keep on truckin! Remember your goal, never lose sight of why you're doing this and always keep the passion you started with. Try new things, new exercises, new foods. It might inspire you. I know its easier said than done.
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    you look amazing
    and that weightloss is great too :)
  • sissybear27
    I can see the difference you look fantastic. I really hate the gyms and needed a way to work out. I have a little spot in my bedroom and went on line and ordered aerobic videos and now do them each morning in my room or walk at night with my sister. Recently I have been feeling demotivated but today I decided to get myself remotivated and look for more friends and motivators on this site. Good luck in your goals.
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    For some of us, it take a long time for what "we" see to match what others can see. To give the opposite example, how many times have you heard someone say that it was seeing themselves in a picture that motivated them to lose weight...although they looked at themselves every morning, they had no idea they had "gotten so big" until they saw a picture.

    Just keep going. We make our own motivation. Through bad days, plateaus, weeks when the scale (for no good reason) goes the wrong way. On those days, come to MFP. Share your frustrations. Make your own motivation, and keep. going.
  • GibsonDarlin
    GibsonDarlin Posts: 202 Member
    I have the same issue but only because I have a classic hour glass shape (as it appears you do). When I gain weight I gain it evenly - people are often surprised at how much I weight. When I loose it I loose it evenly so my "shape" rarely changes. But measurements, lbs on scale and clothes sizes do. 36 pounds!!! Celebrate yourself and take charge! You are amazing.

    I agree - that is me!!

    You look fabulous!!! I think I dont look much different. But I feel better, I pick parts of my body that I see and change in that I love. Like my calves and ankles!!! My belly is smaller and my face. Dont see much in the thighs or arms. I bet you can find something you like!!!

    Keep up the good work!!
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    I NEVER have to talk to people at the gym and I even take classes there. Walk in the door with head phones on and even if someone said anything you wouldn't hear it lol. You gotta bring a lunch box with you to work if it's only bad foods there!

    I don't know if you have many friends on here, but I would add some and use that for motivation too! I bought a poster of my "ideal" body and put it on the wall by my bed so I see it every morning when I wake up... just picturing myself in booty shorts is motivation for me! Also, when I have to log bad things, it makes me sad and I don't like feeling sad, so I don't eat the bad things.