1000x's Asked Question

Hello All.
YES, I do realize that this question has been asked many times over.
BUT this thread is about you!

I NEED your experience.

PROBLEM: I have not lost weight in 8 weeks. I eat 1200 Calories a day. I am starting to think that may be too low.

STATS: 20y/o-147lbs-5'3''- 1200 calories a day- PLEASE ASK IF ANYMORE QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS

WHAT I NEED FROM YOU!: Please explain your stats and what has given you the most success in your weight loss. Calories and ect.

Thank you very much!
Any help/advice/opinions are appreciated.



  • ambercanfly
    ambercanfly Posts: 150 Member
    Are you exercising?
  • shelly650
    My stats: 17 years old, 161lbs, 5'5"! I currently eat between 1350cal and 1600cals!

    I began in March/April and lost 10lbs by summer eating 1200cals and limiting my carbs to 120g per day! However once summer came I stopped losing and actually gained for a while! I exercised lots and really tried my hardest to stay on track! Nothing was working!! I tried lowering my carbs even more to about 80g per day, then I tried eating my calories back and then not eating them!! It was like I was hitting my head against a brick wall!!

    Then, I decided to up my calories to about 1500cals and my weight started to slowly move in the right direction!! You have to remember your loss is going to be slower because you have less to lose!! I want to get down to 140lbs by next july, so I think that is a decent amount of time!!

    I would definitely up your calories!
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    I have the same question as ambercanfly. Are you exercising? And the obvious follow up question...if so, are you eating your exercise calories back?

    I'm 46, 158 lbs, 5'2". Basically, right now, I just go by my fitbit numbers (which is about 1700 to maintain) and try to eat 500 calories less than what it says. I exercise every day and try to eat every last calorie I'm allotted. Ever since starting that, I've mostly hit the gamut between maintaining and losing 2 lbs a week (depends on the week and what else is going on in my body).
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I am 5'4", 145 lbs. I maintain at 1500 calories, which I realize is low. I've been told that due to lupus/meds my metabolism is slow, and I can't do a lot of exercise. However when I upped my calories above 1200 I lost weight. Then with regular exercise I upped them again to 1470 and I haven't gained or lost. I do eat back my exercise calories. I am currently trying to drink more water and exercise more. My goal isn't really weight loss as much as overall health at this point, but my weight has stayed pretty constant for awhile now.
  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
    Thanks everyone. =]