the food we put in our bodies

Hi Everyone!

So I wanted to share something with everyone that I heard in my anthropology lecture the other day. I've been on a journey to lose weight and have tried every fad diet out there and when I heard this, it all made sense.

My anthropology teacher often goes and studies with remote civilizations who are hunter gatherers. They live in the ways that our ancestors did and their diet consists of food from hunting and gathering.

The food Americans put into their bodies today is mostly processed food. Foods have been engineered to taste sweeter at a lower cost of production and meat is filled with hormones or the animals are not fed grass.

This is where I learned something interesting. Something I should have already known, but when put into these terms it all clicked in my mind. Humans were designed to eat the raw foods provided on this earth. Majority of human history does not have agriculture, and dairy products is also pretty recent in our human history. So, imagine that you have a car, and it runs on gasoline. But then you try to be tar in it. It is obviously not going to work very well. The same goes for humans. Our gasoline, is the grass fed and wild animals, raw fruits, raw vegetables, and raw nuts. The processed foods that surround us are like tar that we are putting into our bodies. Obviously, our bodies are not going to run very well, because these are not the types of foods that humans have evolved to eat. These foods are pretty recent in our human history.

Basically, what this is is the paleolithic diet. I always wondered about it, but now I know that this is the way our bodies were designed to eat. The dairy products and bread products that often upset my stomach are fairly recent foods in human history that we are used to eating and humans bodies have not evolved to tolerate these types of food. These are not the right sources of energy. Our bodies will come even more healthy when eating in this paleolithic way, and we are at lower risk for diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, reproductive cancers, hypertension, acne, asthma, sleep disorders and even bipolar disorders!

Since this lecture last week, I have been eating strictly foods that our ancestors ate and I can tell you I feel so much better. My energy levels are up and there are many recipes out there for paleolithic diets that are delicious and offer diversity in what you eat. I am getting better at managing the foods I eat, even though I am on a very busy schedule. I'm hoping this can be the way I eat for the rest of my life and I'm doing this not only to lose weight, but for my health. I hope this helps some people out and sheds some light on the food we have grown up putting into our bodies!