work out then STARVING AFTER! Help?

Ok ....when i go to work out after i get out of work, i am always sickly starving afterwards...which then makes me eat SUPER FAST and A LOT! Ive tried eating before hand but still afterwards Im soooo hungry and have a tendency to over eat or get something fast which is usually junk food :( I know a lot is self discipline but anyone have any tips to curve this appetite? Anything i could do before or after that would help make me feel fuller?

Thanks :)


  • Poniesarepretty
    Poniesarepretty Posts: 77 Member
    I have the same exact problem! BUMP
  • Poniesarepretty
    Poniesarepretty Posts: 77 Member
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    I eat a lot of protein or a.protein shake after a hard workout.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Ok ....when i go to work out after i get out of work, i am always sickly starving afterwards...which then makes me eat SUPER FAST and A LOT! Ive tried eating before hand but still afterwards Im soooo hungry and have a tendency to over eat or get something fast which is usually junk food :( I know a lot is self discipline but anyone have any tips to curve this appetite? Anything i could do before or after that would help make me feel fuller?

    Thanks :)

    Blechhh I sometimes do this, too. It is so much easier if you plan ahead-- pack a salad or whatever appropriate food for the time of day it is so the second you walk in you can grab it and start chowing down.

    Lean protein is good after a workout, so grilled chicken, fat free cottage cheese, black beans...

    It is so easy for me to advise you to do this, but I need to get back into the habit of preparing ahead, too! GL!
  • myshell26
    Water is key. I drink nearly a gallon of water each day. You have to take in the fluids you released during your workout. Sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger. Eat something protein rich after your workouts too. Try bringing a protein bar with you to the gym so you're not tempted to stop and get fast food.
  • SoulNeedsBeauty
    SoulNeedsBeauty Posts: 154 Member
    never had this. after work outs, if I'm hungry I usually love that feeling coz, and because I worked so hard in gym, it makes me want to eat healthy right after. what i can suggest is pack a few nuts and a banana so you can eat those on your way home. that way you wont be starving and eating a lot right when you get home.
  • Livin_Large
    Livin_Large Posts: 104 Member
    Drink a bottle of water on your way home from work and keep nuts, protein bars and small snacks in your car.
  • jsteffen80
    I like to eat some celery and/or carrots directly after a workout and drink a lot of water. It is near impossible to eat celery and carrots quickly, and it takes the edge off for when I get to my main meal.
  • drchula
    Hi! I always have protein in the morning before my workout. Have some eggs cheese and toast, or whole wheat english muffin with cheese and a small glass of milk.(I always work out 2 hrs after I eat since I am up so early) then after my workout Ill have a bowl of cereal, with nuts. try honey bunches of oats (variety kind) theres almonds vanilla clusters etc. I hope this works! in the beginning it was hard for me to but as long as u update ur fitness pal every meal ull get used to it and ur stomach will shrink and youll get fuller faster. About a wk for ur stomach too shrink! good luck!
  • rgunn02
    rgunn02 Posts: 169 Member
    Chocolate milk is a good recovery drink - and the sweetness makes it taste like you're doing something bad! yum yum!
  • gtwin
    gtwin Posts: 290 Member
    Get some protein powder and mix that with water to drink on your way home from the gym. This usually fills me up enough so that I don't go crazy with food when I get home.
  • going2befit
    I always plan my workouts to end right at the time I usually eat my next meal so in case this does happen to me it'll be time to eat my healthy meal anyway.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I have this problem all the time. I always pack something small to eat right after my work out, generally, an apple or lara bar mini. After long or intense workouts that leave me starving physically but with no appetite, I generally have a ReGen recovery drink which is pretty much a thick chocolate milk without high fructos corn syrup that doesn't need to be refrigerated.
  • EmmaShorter
    Years ago while following either ww or sw I started going swimming. I noticed an advert to swim the channel in your local pool. I thought what a good way to keep me going swimming and help with my weight loss. However it ended up being the reverse. I would finish my swim and then once I was changed I would walk up the stairs and straight in front I would see the food machine with chocolate and crisps in. I would be STARVING!!! I would try my best but I knew I had to wait for the bus and then wait for dinner (I wasn't a driver then and lived with my mum and dad) and 9 times out of 10 would get some kind of crap to eat. Swimming still makes me starving! Other exercise not so much really. Either that or I eat well enough to avoid it. I don't often go swimming anymore. It is too much hassle. Sorry not very helpful to you.
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    make suer you have some protein before hand.

    I recommend luna bars, if you find yourself really hungry.

    Also, what kind of exercise are you doing? I find mdoerate activity can make you erally hungry after. try incorporating some itnervals or higher intensity stuff and your appetite should decrease..
  • disappearingact206
    carry a protein mixer and shake mix to make right after you work out. that will curb some of the hunger until you can get home to make that healthy dinner or meal that your body needs to recover after exercise. :)
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I usually dont eat before i work out because it makes me feel naseous...but...I drink like 2-4 scoops of BCAA's during my workout and its like my appetite is gone. I have to force myself to take protien and eat it seems like.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Protein before and after!
  • hotjacki85
    hotjacki85 Posts: 287 Member
    Thank you all... very helpful :) never did the protein shake/mix thing before but more and more am realizing maybe my body needs some help and will need to go get some :)
  • ninjapixie87
    ninjapixie87 Posts: 124 Member
    Water is key. I drink nearly a gallon of water each day. You have to take in the fluids you released during your workout. Sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger.
    The "I'm hungry" feeling is often our body actually telling us we need water. Try drinking more when you work out. When I feel hungry, I often drink a glass of water and wait a few minutes. That gives me a chance to either satisfy the "hunger" with water, or realize that maybe I wasn't really hungry after all.