Mix it up or not?

After my accident, I was unable to do any exercise for about 18 mo. I completed my PT in Sept. and got the okay to start low impact cardio - I started rowing and riding again. I ride 2-3 days a week (at least 1 horse (mine), sometimes 3 or 4 in a day, depending on who my trainer needs ridden). I've been rowing (either HIIT or 30-40 min steady state) on my Waterrower on my non-riding days with 1 day per week rest (usually Sunday).

Then I added a kettlebell workout (20 min/ 4kg). And then I just ordered 30 DS and was going to start it this week... when I realized I don't have a clear plan on what to do when....

My question:

Is it better to mix up your workouts (ride M/W/Th; row Tu; kettlebells on Fri; 30 DS on Sat.) or should I just concentrate on one thing (in addition to the riding, which I have to do to keep my horse sane)? (ie: ride M/W/Th, 30 DS on Tu/F/Sat?)

I'm not bored with any of it... I love rowing, find the kettlebells challenging, and 30 DS is brand new.


  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    If you don't plan to run 30DS all the way through at once, I would do whatever floats your boat on any given day - but I would make sure you do strength at least twice a week - preferably 3 times.

    I am still trying to balance weights and riding. I can't ride with DOMS - just because it's not fair to not be riding my best and expect my horses to do their best. So I can't really give you good advice there :tongue:
  • myshell26
    I think mixing it up is a great way to stay interested and lose the most weight. If you do the same thing for a long time your body becomes so efficient that it doesn't burn as many calories. I do low impact aerobics Monday and Thursday, cardio kickboxing Tuesday and Friday and 30 day shred Wednesday and Saturday. Sunday is my cleaning and grocery day so I take the day off, but am thinking about adding yoga on Sunday.
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    I don't do any strength training... it would probably have to be limited to upper body due to my injuries (I tore both achilles tendons off at the attachment point in the accident and was in bilateral casts for a few months... not that it made my legs any skinnier! LOL).

    Any ideas appreciated!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Is it better to mix up your workouts (ride M/W/Th; row Tu; kettlebells on Fri; 30 DS on Sat.) or should I just concentrate on one thing (in addition to the riding, which I have to do to keep my horse sane)? (ie: ride M/W/Th, 30 DS on Tu/F/Sat?)

    I'm not bored with any of it... I love rowing, find the kettlebells challenging, and 30 DS is brand new.

    There really isn't a better or worse here. It can be advantageous to mix various programs together, but just as much it can be good to do it the other way and stick to a program for the duration it run. I have had good results both way. The good part about mixing it up is it keeps things fresh and demanding. The good thing about following a well designed program for the length is calls for is you will achieve the goals that it was designed for.

    I had one program I occasionally took workouts from here and there. That worked quite well, and it gave me a good workout.

    Then I decided to do the program as it was laid out. The overall goal of the program was to increase work capacity. By week 3 of the 4 it was kicking my behind, but it did what it was supposed to, which it did not do when I just took an individual day and used it.

    If you find a program that has a goal that fits with your goal, it can be good to follow it all the way through doing it they way it was designed. Then you can go back to parts of it and use them whenever you want. Or you could do it the other way around. As long as you are working out and being challenged by the workouts that is what is important.
  • kit548emt
    I like to mix it up and do something different. It keeps me from getting bored and it keeps my muscles guessing. I just started the 30 day shred on the first though and I've been doing that every day since, plus running 4 x a week.