Running, Back of Knee Pain


I started running at the start of September and quickly got into it and got up to a few quite quick 10k runs by the end of October.

However i one run i pulled up quick suddenly with a painful knee, it was initially i think the front and side of the knee but settled down and since every time i have tried to run i get really bad pain in the one of the thin two muscles than run down either side of the back of the knee, the left back muscle of the leg knee to be precise.

The most i have left between the attempted runs is about 10 days and even with stretching i can feel the pain within a few hundred yards and can't carry on. The knee is fine all other times, i go on cross trainer and bike at gym, and walk alot and can't feel a thing, until i run which make me think its an impact injury but that does not make sense.

Anyhow i have physio this Thursday to see what they say, a few people have also suggested a sports massage to see if that sorts it,

Anyone have similar experiences? Its really frustrated as i was getting into the running and even booked a half marathon for next April.

Thanks for reading



  • apologises for my grammar and spelling!!
  • sounds kinda like what i have.

    went to nurse practitioner and she tossed some meds my way, said to rest two weeks, and ordered MRI thinking i may have torn a tendon or ligament. didn't quite feel right about it so i emailed a family friend that is a retired orthopedic surgeon and he said to go to ortho surg asap, rest until then. sooo...waiting on referal to go through :(
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I had the same problem last year when training for a half marathon. It started in the back of my right knee and would quickly spread though the joint to the front. Lack of health insurance kept me from seeing a doc for a proper diagnosis, so I took a year off from running to rest it.

    When I started running again in my old shoes, the pain was still there. Since dumping the old Brooks Glycerines and switching to the Nike Free, the pain has disappeared, so I think my gait was causing the issue.
  • Cathsaff
    Cathsaff Posts: 9 Member
    I was starting to have knee pain, too, when running. Mine was sort of on the side and only after running a while. So I went to a store that fits your running shoe by watching you run and really getting the right shoe and it completely stopped the pain. The person at the store also told me when I ran on a treadmill to set the incline at .5 or 1% because of the slight downward slant of the treadmill puts pressure on your knees. Have you tried new, professionally fitted shoes first? I went to FootZone in Seattle (not sure if they're nationwide), but find a running shoe store and most likely they'll do the same.
  • It sounds like it may be an IT band injury. I suffered from this while training for my half marathon. I now were an IT band whenever I run or do a spin class.
  • I had something similar and mine was ruled as runner's knee. I was told to stay off it for a little while and to cut back on running a bit. The pain won't go away until you do. Mine didn't hurt most of the time unless I was running, but going down stairs it was a little tender. If it's the same thing I had, it's caused by over working your knees when training for an event. You tend to run more and more often and your knee doesn't have time to gradually get used to it. Mine is better now but I'm taking my time to train for my next event and gradually get to my goal.

    Mine also didn't hurt at the beginning of a run, it was usually about half way through or 3/4 way through that it started hurting and it would just get worse through out the run until I stopped.
  • Hi everyone, i know this is a bit old now but thanks for the replies. I had some physio at it was the IT band that was causing issues. After 3 sessions of Physio and daily exercises its now perfect and i'm slowing building back up my fitness.

    Half marathon end of April so thats my goal!

    Take care
