Emotional Binge Eating

I have a problem with eating while i'm depressed. It's like i'm a bottomless pit and all i want to do is eat and eat. I wont even be hungry and i'll find myself looking around for food in the fridge. I don't know how to control this, i'll do so well with my diet and then i'll binge eat for like 3 days and ruin all my progress. I've already lost 45 lbs, it would be more if i didn't have this problem. Does anyone else with this problem have any advice or tips on how i can try and control. I could really use it


  • megarooni
    megarooni Posts: 50 Member
    When I decide I want to eat something I will track it first. This shows me the calories and what it will do to my other stats for the day. Don't get my wrong emotional eating is a huge problem for myself. I had a friend tell me I can eat whatever I want as long as I'm willing to take the time to burn it off. It can be more motivation to get off the couch and up moving as well. I just try to focus on how it is going to impact my numbers first and then decide if I'm really hungry, if i need it, or if it is mindless eating. Good luck! :)
  • JerseyGirlHeart
    JerseyGirlHeart Posts: 133 Member
    Hello, I have been a binge eater (and purger) since I was eight years old. It is something that I still struggle with to this day, but I am in recovery. I also ate out of emotion, and even boredom. At one sitting I would eat a box of waffles, or some other terrible item. I was in counseling, but I never really brought it up, but when I did talk about it, it helped. You can always try counseling, because if you are binging out of emotion, there must be some other underlying condition that you have, like you said, depression.

    If you don't want to take that route, then you need to stop binging on items that are bad for your body, and if you must binge, binge on healthy foods, like raw veggies. That is what worked for me. I don't surround my self with high calorie foods anyway, so if I feel a binge coming, the only thing in my house to binge on is veggies really. Also, if your binging out of boredom, make sure you turn your attention to something else, like working out, even if its jogging in place or going outside.

    What it all boils down to is mind over matter. Before the urge to binge, think about the emotions and how you feel after you binge. Is it worth it, I say no.

    It is always ok to enjoy your self on a craving, but only in moderation. To control binge eating, you should provide your body with what it needs first, and then in small doses, give in to what you want, like a cookie or what have you.

    I have also read that habits like binging and even nail biting can be a sign of vitamin deficiency. I am no doctor or professional, but what I found is that your body and your hormones act different when it isn't being provided with what it needs, causing your emotions and craving to take over. So eat well, exercise, and take multivitamins. I found taking these daily GREATLY approved my health, immune system, and having more energy.

    Hope this helps. You are not alone, remember. You can do it!
  • 08caseyk
    Hello, I have been a binge eater (and purger) since I was eight years old. It is something that I still struggle with to this day, but I am in recovery. I also ate out of emotion, and even boredom. At one sitting I would eat a box of waffles, or some other terrible item. I was in counseling, but I never really brought it up, but when I did talk about it, it helped. You can always try counseling, because if you are binging out of emotion, there must be some other underlying condition that you have, like you said, depression.

    If you don't want to take that route, then you need to stop binging on items that are bad for your body, and if you must binge, binge on healthy foods, like raw veggies. That is what worked for me. I don't surround my self with high calorie foods anyway, so if I feel a binge coming, the only thing in my house to binge on is veggies really. Also, if your binging out of boredom, make sure you turn your attention to something else, like working out, even if its jogging in place or going outside.

    What it all boils down to is mind over matter. Before the urge to binge, think about the emotions and how you feel after you binge. Is it worth it, I say no.

    It is always ok to enjoy your self on a craving, but only in moderation. To control binge eating, you should provide your body with what it needs first, and then in small doses, give in to what you want, like a cookie or what have you.

    I have also read that habits like binging and even nail biting can be a sign of vitamin deficiency. I am no doctor or professional, but what I found is that your body and your hormones act different when it isn't being provided with what it needs, causing your emotions and craving to take over. So eat well, exercise, and take multivitamins. I found taking these daily GREATLY approved my health, immune system, and having more energy.

    Hope this helps. You are not alone, remember. You can do it!

    Thank you, i've been trying to keep healthier foods in my apertment, but my boyfriend isnt the healthiest eater. and he always has to have soda in the apartment. I tried explaining to him that its tempting me to eat it but he doesnt listen. So its really hard on me. But i think seeing a counselor might help me. They might help me get it all out and see whats wrong
  • landay
    landay Posts: 43 Member
    I struggle with this too!! If possible, it might help to do something with your hands or body when you feel like eating. Such as: take a walk. Exercise is wonderful stress relief and burns a few calories too! If you can't do that, maybe try filling out thank you cards that need to be done, cleaning house, etc.

    I've started reading a book called "Made to Crave", and it talks about emotional eating. You might want to check it out. Good luck to you!!
  • 08caseyk
    thank you guys, i'm going to check out that book and try what you suggested. Its good to know i'm not the only one with this problem