Does anyone else feel....?

Like they have been doin this for a while but havent really "moved forward"? I have been at this since the start of July, and ive made some massive changes and really should be proud, but sometimes i feel like i havent really moved forward that much, I keep cycling - really great for two weeks then not so great for two weeks, and i feel like i havent managed to change myself from being "all in or all out" despite my best efforts to make this a change not a two week fad.

I've lost 10 kilos and have been stuck at this weight since the end of october and had some very good days and very bad days since then.

Recently ive had a re-analysis of my eating habits and come up with some new rules im hoping will keep me under EVERY day because i feel like i'm no better at staying under than i was when i first started.

I mean yes i dont eat a lot of bad things i use to eat (takeaway, chips of any kind, soft drink) but i still seem to get really into exercise or really NOT into it. and its the same with my calorie intake, i'm either really good or reall bad. I try to give myself the things im craving in small dosses to avoid massive cravings for them later on, but i still find myself some days just wanting to throw it into the wind and eat as much of what i want as i want to. I never want to give up and go back to how i was before but some days i just want a free day, and that usually starts me on a path of a bad week.

I also find on weekends i do much worse, so im already technically having a cheat day and that doesnt seem to help, so ive made a few changes and hoping to make my weekends good too.

Anyway i was just wondering if anyone else felt the same, like they are going round in circles, or if anyone has felt that way and overcome it. I'm confident my new rules and a new fitness challange (c25k) will help get me through this but if anyone has any other advice that would be really great. I'm not sure if i really hit a plateau as im not steadily doing a good job and not losing weight but rather on and off doing a good job and not losing weight.


  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Yup that sounds like me. I get all hyped up thinking of how tomorrow I'll start fresh and I'll eat healthy and I'll eat more of this and less of this, etc, etc but doing it is so much harder than just saying it. I get overwhelmed with thinking of all the changes I should make in my diet but when I try to start small I get bored.

    I do working out much better. Once I get on a roll I can do very good at working out consistently. But if I miss a day or two it can completely throw me off.
  • grantsmom08
    grantsmom08 Posts: 82 Member
    Currently fighting the same battle. But with my overall success thus far, I am holding steady while in this rut. And it is how far I have come that keeps me at least fighting to toe the line. Hoping to get a kick in the rear again soon. But I understand. I can do so well, maintain and then have a day where I just say screw it! The scale reminds me how easily the couple of pounds show back up and that is keeping me in line for the most part. Remember your goals, and hold on strong!
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    Yup that sounds like me. I get all hyped up thinking of how tomorrow I'll start fresh and I'll eat healthy and I'll eat more of this and less of this, etc, etc but doing it is so much harder than just saying it. I get overwhelmed with thinking of all the changes I should make in my diet but when I try to start small I get bored.

    I do working out much better. Once I get on a roll I can do very good at working out consistently. But if I miss a day or two it can completely throw me off.

    im the same with work outs! if i do it consectuviley everday i really go well but as soon as i miss a day i miss a few days. I set myself a challenge to do it every day for a month and that went great! Until the challenge ended and i skipped a few days. now im hoping c25k will have the same positive effect.

    i get all hyped up and i do it but sometimes i think i over do it and then ffall back off again soon. i try and stop myself from over doing it but then i think well i should use this motivation while i have it, so i ended up going all in!
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    Currently fighting the same battle. But with my overall success thus far, I am holding steady while in this rut. And it is how far I have come that keeps me at least fighting to toe the line. Hoping to get a kick in the rear again soon. But I understand. I can do so well, maintain and then have a day where I just say screw it! The scale reminds me how easily the couple of pounds show back up and that is keeping me in line for the most part. Remember your goals, and hold on strong!

    Thankyou. I really need to do this. I think for me the big thing is even though ive lost a lot i feel like i have so much more to go and ive been stagnant for so long it feels like my goals are so far away. But maybe i should focus on the closer goals - im going to be a bridesmade in jan and id like to look good then!
  • allibazzer
    allibazzer Posts: 11 Member
    I've been battling the same ten pounds for a couple years, I think. I get into these detrimental cycles of over exercising and then over eating, then over exercising... I'l hit a lower weight for a few months then as soon as I quit *over* exercising, at least that's how I perceive it, the pounds come back. I feel like I'm at a point where austerity measures are necessary to really get rid of the last bit, but I haven't yet found the commitment to implement that kind of program. I'm a food addict- and to give it up to the point that would allow me to drop those last 5, it just seems impossible! Since an injury a few m onths ago I"ve had to dial back the exercise, so I'm really really trying to dial back the food as well, but I'm struggling. STRUGGLING. And I wonder if I will ever just fit back into those pants effortlessly or not. Please, please world, I don't want to have to buy a whole new selection of pants !
  • oh my goodness gracious yes. I have been getting so discouraged these last few weeks-my boyfriend is steadily and quickly losing weight, while I have gained and lost the same five pounds for the last two or three months! It drives me crazy and makes me feel like all my hard work is worthless. I'm not going way over on my calories, but i'm not exercising much either...end of the quarter and it's hard to find time to do anything. next step: join a 24 hour gym and go whenever i can!
  • Annakersey7212
    Annakersey7212 Posts: 23 Member
    yes yes yes. college is killing me with the same 5 pounds!
  • YES! It IS a cycle. I have been at this for almost two years now. The difference between now and all the other times is that I kept doing it, and when you look at it as a long long term thing, you are successful.
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    its good to see im not the only one! i just want to move forward and feel i am "getting better at this".