I go to a gym so what exercises should i do to lose weight a

They have the usual works..ellipitcal, treadmill...weights..a mat for your abs and ball.


  • ryiko
    ryiko Posts: 76
    They have the usual works..ellipitcal, treadmill...weights..a mat for your abs and ball.
  • MattySparky
    Everything! In my experience so far, cardio makes the biggest difference. Building muscle will also help raise your metabolism as well.
  • MDF08
    MDF08 Posts: 57
    Everything! In my experience so far, cardio makes the biggest difference. Building muscle will also help raise your metabolism as well.

    Keep switching it up! Try everything. Plus, weight lifting helps you to avoid that "loose skin look" and staves off the possibility of gaining it all back.

    Women tend to be scared of weight lifting but I am dead serious, you have to TRY to bulk up to actually bulk!!
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    I would get a session or two with a personal trainer. When I first started working out I had no idea what to do to lose weight or what exercises would be the best to do. With a trainer they will show you how to exercise properly and what exercises are the best to lose the weight. For example if you have flabby arms they will show you what exercise will tone that area. I have been with a trainer for 2 months now and I know when I am finished with the sessions with him that I will be able to workout on my own and be able to exercise properly to lose my weight.
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    Try out some classes. I love the ones I go to!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Incorporate both cardio & strength training into each workout. The cardio burns a lot of calories fast and the strength training will give you a nice sculpted look. Keep the intensity high. Work hard while at the gym, eat a clean diet and you will see results.
  • gsschulte
    gsschulte Posts: 79 Member
    just to give you something to think about.
    I circuit 2 days a week and burn about 550 calories in the 1.5 hours to do the three circuits of weights.
    if i run for 1 hour i burn almost 900 calories. this is according to my favorite toy the polar f6.

    so why still lift if i can burn so much more if i run? because the lifting makes life easier and my running better. with a strong core and lean muscle its easier for me to get around and i recover faster from sickness and i can do yard work.. all good things so that is why i add a lifting into my workout routine. functional strength is well worth the effort.
  • WShope
    WShope Posts: 46 Member
    I've been working with a personal trainer for 6 months and he wasn't training me properly. I lost nothing. Then I got a new trainer and we have done weight training and cardio for the past 2 weeks. I've lost 2 lbs that fast! This week we did circuit training. I burned 632 calories at the gym alone yesterday. I couldn't believe it. :bigsmile:

    So if you have a ladies only fitness room go in there. It designed for circuit training.

    But you have got to have your diet in check as well. For lunch I'm eating carrotts and hot dogs, without the bread. the hot dogs are for the protein. they aren't that bad without the chili and mustard and ketchup. Carrotts have sugar and carbs. But there are carbs in almost everything, so you have to be a little picky. but you've got to eat something. My personal tainer also had me cut out carbs, but I love smoothies and yougurt. He told me to eat the carb smart yougurts and smoothie's and to watch the sugar in them as well.. I've gone with the light and fit smoothies. He said that it was okay to eat carbs during the day but to really watch them at night before you go to bed.