
LeighYan91 Posts: 129
So I have come to weigh in and my scales are showing 3 different weights. highest being 314. But when I weighed myself yesterday I was 309 how can Iout that much on in a day and why so many different weights. :S


  • twiztedgrl69
    twiztedgrl69 Posts: 191 Member
    are you using 3 different scales?? are you weighing at the same time or multiple times throughout the day??
  • are you using 3 different scales?? are you weighing at the same time or multiple times throughout the day??

    They are on the same scales and it was within 5 mins this morning because I couldnt believe what I was seeing because there was such a big difference from yesterday :/
  • twiztedgrl69
    twiztedgrl69 Posts: 191 Member
    i always weigh in right when i wake up after going to the restroom...maybe you are retaining more water for some reason...I also only weigh in once a week b/c numerous times through out the week for me is very discouraging, but obviously not everyone is the same way
  • Well now I am completely in a downer I seem to be stuck at this weight :/
  • Do you eat at night? That can also tip the scales. Since I started my dieting I will not allow myself to eat after 6 pm, which was the hardest thing for me to do at first. I go to a weight loss clinic and started taking Adiex which really curbs your appetite and gives you some energy.
  • I'll be honest I did last night had some beans on toast because I had over 1000 calories left to eat.
  • twiztedgrl69
    twiztedgrl69 Posts: 191 Member
    ok...I looked at your diary and the first thing I noticed is you're really not eating enough...eating too little can cause you to gain weight sometimes b/c your body has to make up for the deficit that you didn't consume
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Do you eat at night? That can also tip the scales. Since I started my dieting I will not allow myself to eat after 6 pm, which was the hardest thing for me to do at first. I go to a weight loss clinic and started taking Adiex which really curbs your appetite and gives you some energy.
    This is a myth, it doesn't matter what time you eat.

    As for weight variances, your weight can fluctuate anywhere from 3-10 pounds in a 24 hour period. That's generally why you should weigh yourself once a week, and always make sure it's at the same time of day.

    Of course, if you are getting 3 different measurements just from stepping on and off the scale, get a new scale.
  • That's probably why then. Eating at night is the worst thing you can do. That is how I ended up at 243 pounds. Once I started taking Adipex I refused to let myself eat past 6 pm, but I wasn't really hungry either. My way of losing is probably not the healthiest but it is working for me. I should be eating at least 1200 calories a day but with the appetite suppressant I'm lucky if eat 800 a day. There have been times that by the end of the day I would feel hungry because I didn't eat much that day and snacked on something and when I weighed the next day the scale was not on my side so if you can, do your best to not eat at night.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    That's probably why then. Eating at night is the worst thing you can do.

    Again, this is a complete myth. I eat late at night all the time. Calories in/calories out is all the body is concerned with, the time you eat is irrelevant if you are sticking to an appropriate calorie goal.
  • twiztedgrl69
    twiztedgrl69 Posts: 191 Member
    That's probably why then. Eating at night is the worst thing you can do.

    Again, this is a complete myth. I eat late at night all the time. Calories in/calories out is all the body is concerned with, the time you eat is irrelevant if you are sticking to an appropriate calorie goal.

    I honestly think this depends on the person...I was gaining weight b/c I'd go to bed and eat before going to sleep...when I stopped doing that and not eating 2 hours before bed is when I started losing weight
  • This is not just a myth. Especially for people who do not eat much during the day and then eat late in the evening. Try your own experiment and see what works best for your body because everyone is different.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you are supposed to eat 1500 calories a day, and you eat 1500 calories, and then eat 500 more calories right before going to bed, of course you will gain weight. If you eat 1000 calories during the day, and then 500 calories right before bed (to hit your 1500 goal,) then you won't gain weight. It's all about the total amount of food you eat, not when you eat it.

    After all, did you start eating more food during the day to make up for the food you stopped eating at night? Or are you just eating less food? Scientific studies have proven time and again that meal timing is a myth. You can eat your calories for the day at any time of day, and eat as many, or as few meals as you want.
  • Same here. Once I began not eating after 6 pm the weight started falling off.
  • No I did not compensate meals during the day to make up fr what I used to eat at night. Again, it all depends on the person. Everyone's body is different and will respond differently. I went from eating at night before bed and not losing 1 single pound (in fact gaining) to not eating at night and losing weight like crazy so it all depends on the person.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    No I did not compensate meals during the day to make up fr what I used to eat at night. Again, it all depends on the person. Everyone's body is different and will respond differently. I went from eating at night before bed and not losing 1 single pound (in fact gaining) to not eating at night and losing weight like crazy so it all depends on the person.

    THAT'S THE POINT. It has nothing to do with when you ate, it has to do with the fact that you are eating less.

    I can stop eating breakfast every day, save myself 500 calories a day, and lose weight faster. According to your logic, that must mean eating first thing in the morning is terrible for you, because it was slowing my weight loss.

    Correlation does not equal causation.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Ugh, double post.
  • What you really want to avoid in the evening are foods that give rise to insulin, specifically carbohydrates, and for several reasons.

    First, when blood insulin levels rise, fat burning takes a dive and a “storage” environment is created within the body. This is a good thing after exercise or after an overnight fast to allow the body to “refuel”, but not so good when metabolism is falling off in the evening hours.

    Secondly, something called insulin sensitivity drops drastically in the evening, which simply means that your body is not as responsive to insulin at night as it is during the day. When insulin sensitivity is low, carbohydrates are easily stored as fat.
    So it is important not to eat carbs at night. Healthy snacks are not that big of deal but only you know how your body responds.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Your body is sensitive to insulin after a fasting period, regardless of what time that fasting period is. Your liver has no problem converting carbs to glycogen and resupplying your muscles with it late at night. Your body runs 24 hours a day and depletes and refills it's glycogen stores all night until it runs out of carbs. Carbs are not bad at night, unless you have insulin resistance or diabetes, in which case, excess carbs would be bad at any time of day. To a healthy individual, it just doesn't make a difference.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    This seems a little too much like a one-on-one, so thought I should chime in :wink: . CMSmith, I am glad what you are doing is working for you for now... though in reality it isn't. You have to take appetite surpressants to stop hunger pains and I sincerely doubt that you will want to take them for the rest of your life and therefore you have not made a change that is sustainable.

    Please don't push the one misinformed opinion you have been given on to everyone else as fact! Please back up your claims with some recognised literature, or stop posting this.
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