finally online

hello there
my names jaime, been using myfinesspal on my fone for a few months now and lost a bit now. i have two boys one is 5 1/2 and had my second son on the 22 july hefty 10lb1oz.
im a personal trainer so can easily motivate myself with two questions... how would i feel if i reach my goals? how would i feel if i didnt reach my goals? would love to have some friends to follow and be followed on the weight loss/gains/maintain journey.

ive already read a few posts and people are calling themselves fat. please dont put yourselves down and say the word fat, try saying you are bigger then you want to be.

look foreward to seeing everyones successes and hope i can help when things get tough.



  • sgha
    sgha Posts: 225
    I like that .....bigger than I used to be. Just like I like to say: I'm not getting old, I'm getting oldER. Or, as a salesperson said when fitting me with running shoes, "As we gain knowlege and wisdom..." But age is not something we can control, what we are like during the process we CAN control.