
Hey There

I start Insanity on Monday and would love to hear your stories if you have completed the full 90 days, what were your results like? People already started long until you started seeing results?



  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I'm hoping to start Monday too!
    That is, if it arrives in the mail in time. Anyway, I'm a little scared and would love the same info.
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    I love Insanity workouts! I've never actually done the whole program from start to finish since I mix them in with my p90x videos. They are intense but Shaun T is great and really makes you want to push through it. I always feel really good when I'm done with an Insanity workout. I don't think you'll be disappointed with it.
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    scotslass - did you start today?

    I did the Fit Test this morning and it was tough but not as bad as I thought it would be.
    Tomorrow will probably be the true test of how "insane" it really is. scary!
  • Hey Scotslass,

    I finished Insanity this weekend. I mostly did it as a weight loss program and dropped 20 pounds. Im 6'3, was 233 now Im at 213. I was mostly out of shape because as a sales rep I always eat at restaurants like Subway, TIm Hortons, Quiznos during lunch.

    I was already playing ball hockey and ice hockey once a week, an hour each sports. When I was playing any of those on the week, I would skip the insanity ''recovery day'' to just play sports instead and rearrange the week workouts in order to push myself to the max. It kept me focused as I was doing it right when I came from the job in order not to bother the guy that lives under my condo.

    The other major change I did was coming back home to cook myself a meal on lunch break. With the help of the site, I was able to see what I needed to change concerning my eating habits. My friend was also doing the insanity so it was good motivation though we were doing it seperately at our homes. I didnt buy any protein supplements, or recovery formula etc.

    Anyway long story short to say I never quitted, skipped or found excuses. 60 days went pretty fast and today, I just did the ''pure cardio'' dvd because I was feeling guitly of not doing anything lol. Keep focused, push yourself to the max. Im going back to the gym to push weights on a every other day basis and do 2-3 times a insanity dvd on the other days!

    Hope you stay focused! Its hard but oh so fcking worth it!
  • I started Insanity at the beginning of October but did not finish when I had one week left. I threw my back out and took a few days off, but didn't get back into the workouts.

    However, you will feel results instantly. You will want to stop, you will feel like crap, you will sweat more than you ever have in your life, but it is all worth it. I did not lose a lot of weight, but I dropped a size and my body was more toned. If you have very little muscle to start with, you will not lose much weight, so don't go by the scale, go by your mirror or clothes.

    After I stopped the workouts, I began jogging and for the first time in my life, I was able to jog a full mile without stopping. Insanity helped me do that. You learn how to breath.

    Good luck and don't give up. Make sure you stretch. Pay attention to your body; push yourself, but don't overdo it.
  • I have done 1.5 rounds of Insanity and now am doing a Insanity/P90X hybrid. Insanity is extremely hard and you will see results. I only lost 3 lbs, but 17 inches as well and really did not watch what I ate as well as I should have. The diet guide is very helpful (although way overestimates caloric needs) as is a HR monitor to know how many calories you are burning per workout. Keep tracking what you eat and keep with the program. Don't feel bad about pressing pause when you need to or giving yourself a longer break. It will be the hardest program you will have done, but you feel awesome when you are done!
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I love insanity. Best bang for your exercise buck lol I completed one round. Lost 20lbs and gained a rediculous amount of endurance.