On MFP since mid-September, over 50

I'm 56 and have been on MFP for about 4 months. In that time I've lost nearly 10 pounds. which I am very happy about - I love the ability to track my intake of specific things. 2 pounds a month doesn't sound like a lot, but losing is a real struggle for me as I have a few health issues which make weight loss more challenging, including an autoimmune disorder, no thyroid (2 bouts with cancer). and osteoarthritis in my knees. I was on another online tracker from March to September, and in all, since March, I have lost 20 pounds and I have about 15 more to go.

I wonder if there are other postmenopausal women on the site, and how you are coping with high blood pressure, bloodsugar, cholesterol, battles with aging, and a generally sluggish metabolism. I do cardio five days a week for 30 minutes, and I am pretty strict about sticking to the 1200 calories (plus exercise add-ins) with only a few slip-ups. I consume almost no added sugar, (two pieces of fruit a day, and dairy for the calcium) and end up lower on intake of all the bad things, and higher on the good things like fiber.

I'm hoping for advice, support and humor, and am looking forward to getting to goal with MFP!


  • DayAtATime
    I am 56 also. In regard to post menopausal issues, sluggish metabolism is probably my biggest challenge along with some back issues that causes some exercises to be difficult. I was someone who could really eat whatever I wanted until I turned 50. After 50, life changed dramatically and I gained weight and especially around the middle. I attend a 5:30 am bootcamp 3 days a week which has really helped maintain/increase muscles and keep me fit overall. I also walk the dog 2x's a day and have an elliptical at home.

    I do notice that if I am not absolutely strict about sticking to the 1200 calories a day, I will not lose weight. Sugar is my biggest downfall and I try to limit to fruit..love Pink Lady apples....try them if you haven't already. I have basically maintained this past year and I am back on the site to continue my quest to lose the last 10 lbs.