Back on the wagon

Hello all.... I am new to the message boards here, but not to mfp. I've used the app to count calories and then got out of the habit. I am not new to losing weight, or gaining it back but I want to stick with it this time and see results for the long haul. I am interested in sharing support with people who know what it's like. Our significant others, as supportive as they try to be, just cannot understand fully what kind of mental and physical challenge it can be. That is why I think it's important to share motivation here. Please friend me if you're interested in
a companion along the journey.
I have about 100 lbs to lose, but I am on my way.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.... here I go. who's with me?


  • zambezimama
    zambezimama Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the same situation. I do well with tracking for a few days then find some silly excuse to not track a meal or a day. Now that that the holidays are here and my office if filled with junk I really need to track. So I started again today. I'd like to stay in touch as I know being truthful to someone else helps a lot. Even if I slip once in a while!
  • KCrandi
    KCrandi Posts: 125 Member
    Hey! I'm in the same position. I've got 50+ to lose, so welcome! I'll send you a friend request, I could use the support too!
  • cfergy
    cfergy Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks guys. This can be a hard time to lose weight, but I figure If I at least start trying maybe I can counter balance the weight people usually gain around this time of year. I am a professional chef so this is christmas cookie season. I have baked about a thousand cookies in the last two weeks. i have eaten exactly 5. I made a deal with myself that I could have a cookie a day BUT only after I've baked all of them and put them away.. then and ONLY then can I have ONE cookie. You better believe I savor that cookie, and since they're all put away and not sitting out in front of me, I resist the urge to go back.
    I am realizing now that when I eat what I know I shouldn't or let myself lose control, I feel miserable. I don't want to sabotage myself. I have to keep it up. I love feeling in control and happy with myself.
    Good luck to everyone out there today. Make it a good one!!!!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I joined here on Feb 22 determined to lose my final 30 pounds once and for all! I would get close, think I could handle it, or as you say, find some excuse to stop such as being busy. Well, guess what? We are always going to be "busy", there will always be another holiday, party, or buffet coming up. I decided to find my bootstraps and pull on them until I get the job done, this time. I am 54 years old, my top weight was 205 and I started my venture to lose weight when I was 49 looking at 50. It has taken me a while with a few detours along the way, but I have learned a LOT! I know that the "honor system" doesn't work for me. That is just an excuse for slipping in a bowl of ice cream, slice of cake,or what have you now and then. I must log my calories and exercise forever if I want to lose this weight once and for all and to keep it off forever. What I have learned about backsliding is that it is SO MUCH EASIER to just stay on track than it is to find those damn bootstraps again! It took me over a year to find my motivation again and I NEVER want to go through that agony of watching my weight go up pound by pound by pound again! Today I am 138.2 - just 3.2 pounds away from my original goal that I set on Feb 22! I have lost a total of 67 pounds from 205. It is time, energy, persistence, and determination. With those 4 things you can achieve anything! Good luck to you. You can look at my profile as I keep it completely open. Friend me if you like what you see!
  • jenn_is_trouble
    Hi there. I got married in September and was using MFP to make sure I would fit into my wedding dress. Well, September came and went and my dress zipped up just fine, so I deleted my MFP account. Big mistake on my part! I haven't gained any weight since then, but my eating habits are in serious trouble.

    I have about 60 lbs to lose and am terrified about trying to do this during the holiday season! Add me if you like and hang in there!