HRM question

For those of you who wear a heart rate monitor, do you stop the HRM right when your done with your exercise or do you let it go for a while since your heart rate is still up?

I usually wait a while, maybe 10 minutes or so to let my heart recover. And then, I input that many calories into MFP. Anybody know what the correct way to do that is?


  • Pronoiac
    Pronoiac Posts: 304
    Stop it that point you consider your workout; the minutes you will log into MFP. I run mine through my entire workout, including any cooldown and stretching. By the time I have finished stretching my HR is down to a normal range anyway.
  • I stop mine when I'm done exercising. I figure if I burn off some extra cals whil my heartrate goes back down it's a freebie.
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    For me it depends if I pushed hard the last few minutes of my hour work out then I might let it run during a cool down and while I stretch. But if I did a moderate work out then I stop it immediately after I'm off the treadmill or elliptical machine.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I stop it at the end of the workout. I include my cool down and stretching in that time.
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 778 Member
    I stop mine when I'm done exercising. I figure if I burn off some extra cals whil my heartrate goes back down it's a freebie.

    Me, too...I've often wondered about this.
  • I turn mine off as soon as I'm done with the cooldown and stretch, because I consider that part of my workout. Anything I burn after is, like others have said, a bonus or a buffer. :)
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    When I was using my HRM (I use a BMF now) I would let it run for a few more minutes. My resting HR is like 54 about, and I can get my HR up to 160's during my workout sometimes. I usually let it go until it hits like the 80's and then I stop. While your HR is up you're still burning more calories, so why not let it go. I had noticed in the 5 years I used my HRM, my HR would go down a lot quicker than it did in the beginning.