Not exactly new...

Hi guys! I'm not really new to MFP but wanted to introduce myself. My husband & I both joined in January and were doing great when I took a fall & had to have surgery on my left ankle. Being immobile for a few months, I quickly lost my motivation and put what little bit of weight I'd lost back on. I know that my weight had a huge part in the severity of my break & caused what should have been a simple slip in a driveway to be something much worse. Bottom line: I don't ever want to be in that position again because of my weight.

In September, I decided to kick it back in gear and get healthy once and for all. I've been back on here and logging my food & exercise for a month or two now. I've recently discovered there's more to this site than just logging & I want to take advantage of all the resources available to me. I could use some encouragement...please add me!

