Looking for others with Multiple Sclerosis

I am 33 yrs old and was diagnosed with MS in 2000. Just looking for some MFP friends on here that also have MS and know all to well the daily struggles. Would be nice to have some friends that can relate to the fatigue and just in general..


  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    Hi, I dont have MS, but my mom does ,she was diagnosed when she was about 42. She lives in another state, but I know she has a lot of problems with her legs, and nerve pain, tiredness, she doesnt take anything for it . She eats real healthy and uses Herbs to feel better, how do you cope with the pain and other side effects? I hope you can find some support here!
  • flyguy767
    flyguy767 Posts: 3 Member
    I have MS, and was diagnosed in June 2000. I have not done anything to change my life, what I eat, how I live or what I do, because of MS. That was the recommendation from my neurologist. I take a injection of Beta-Seron 1B every other day and work out 5 to 6 times a week for a hour to hour and a half. I feel better than I did when I was 25, I am now 58. Eat on a average of 1500 calories a day and work outs are resistance and alternating cardio on daily basis. I have lost 65 lbs. in the last 12 months. I used to have my days of fatigue and pain when I was first diagnosed, but that subsided over the years. I would not even know I had MS, if it wasn't for the injections I take every two days. I know there are others that are not as fortunate as I am with their illness and how it effects them. I hope yours is not causing you any problems. A positive attitude goes a long way.
  • hello :) my mum has ms and she is often tired but she used resistance bands and she has lost lots of inches she does a little bit on the x trainer, she has bad balance though so finds it hard at times. she suffers fatigue but is on a very high dose of steroids. i wish you all the best on your journey and hope that you find an excersise plan that suits you xx
  • marnasworld
    marnasworld Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, have you heard of all the great results and success stories using LDN ( Low Dose Naltrexone ) for MS and other autoimmune diseases. Cured my son's ulcerative colitis and my depression/anxiety.
  • smittygirl
    smittygirl Posts: 36 Member
    I was diagnosed with clinically isolated syndrome, (which is one attack) So now I am going through all the testing, (it's been over a year) And no diagnosis as of yet. (kind of frustrated) But with the excercise thing I have great weeks and then I have horrible ones. This week is bad, all I want to do is nothing, so tired. I workout in the morning, go to work and when I get home, I go to bed. I don't think this is what a 32 year old should feel like, but what do I know. I am so jealous of those who do everything, just the thought tires me. Sorry I'm venting, but it'd be nice to know that I'm not alone. Thanks.
  • I am 33 yrs old and was diagnosed with MS in 2000. Just looking for some MFP friends on here that also have MS and know all to well the daily struggles. Would be nice to have some friends that can relate to the fatigue and just in general..

    Hi I have MS too, and the exercisig is completly wiping me out if im not already wiped out by the MS, this is the trouble ive had when ive seen the doctor they say i need to exercise, but puts me in pain, unmanagable pan and dizzyness,, ive managed the past few days but dont feel i can keep up with the exercise