Passing this plateau and reaching my goal.

Since January of this year I have been working very hard to lose weight. I have lost a total of 48 pounds but I still have 14 pounds left to get to my goal. I have recently reduced my caloric intake to 1250 calories a day. I exercise an hour a day, 6-7 days a week. I have cut all soda and most sweets from my diet. I have been stuck at the same weight since Halloween. I am open to any ideas on how to get past this plateau and jump start my weightloss again. Thank you!


  • I'm with you - I've been stuck at my same weight since August. Have you tried varying up your workouts? Your body likely has come get used to the weight you're at, so anything to surprise it and change up the routine might help. Good luck!
  • skinnyquinny84
    skinnyquinny84 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm with ya...the last 10-15 pounds are just not coming off! Some people say increasing your calories is the way to do it. Any way to "shock" your body. And yes, change up your workout routine. Rest helps too. Congratulations on your loss so far and good luck with the rest!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I am going to suggest cutting out processed foods..and all grains..leaving you with healthy fats, protein, and carbs that are only from fruits and veggies.

    I was stuck at a plateu for 2 months..doc suggested going Primal..I have lost 8 pounds and 3% body fat..
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    I'm trying the Paleo/Primal way of eating to kick start my fricking fracking plateau. I too have been on the plateau for 2 months. Sick of it! First week of eating this way and so far I'm down about 2 pounds, and this is my TOM too. I'm pretty freaking pleased with that! Officially I weigh in on Friday, so we'll see how it goes. I've been so doubtful that I'm not holding my breath, but so far things seem to be moving again....finally!
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Take a week off, up your cal intake by changing from 1 lb loss/week to 0.5 lb loss/week, and eat your exercise calories!!!!!! The exact thing happened to me when I was doing 1 lb loss/week! I was only eating 1200 cals/day, and exercising like crazy. And I even started gaining!

    I took a week off for recovery, and then changed my settings on MFP per the advice of others on the board. Magically, the weight started coming off! Within a week, I had lost all the weight I had gained plus some!

    Being this close to your goal weight, I think your body just needs a little more sustanance! I've lost 1.2 lbs this week, which is huge for me. And this was with doing 0.5 lb loss/week PLUS having a cheat day!

    It works!
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Sorry for all the exclamations- LOL!
    Take a week off, up your cal intake by changing from 1 lb loss/week to 0.5 lb loss/week, and eat your exercise calories!!!!!! The exact thing happened to me when I was doing 1 lb loss/week! I was only eating 1200 cals/day, and exercising like crazy. And I even started gaining!

    I took a week off for recovery, and then changed my settings on MFP per the advice of others on the board. Magically, the weight started coming off! Within a week, I had lost all the weight I had gained plus some!

    Being this close to your goal weight, I think your body just needs a little more sustanance! I've lost 1.2 lbs this week, which is huge for me. And this was with doing 0.5 lb loss/week PLUS having a cheat day!

    It works!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I've not lost for 6 weeks :( Hope you get through it soon, it's so frustrating and demotivating.. :(:(
    I don't have a clue what to do anymore, feel like I've tried everything.
    Good Luck!
  • gdortiz
    gdortiz Posts: 169 Member
    Take a week off, up your cal intake by changing from 1 lb loss/week to 0.5 lb loss/week, and eat your exercise calories!!!!!! The exact thing happened to me when I was doing 1 lb loss/week! I was only eating 1200 cals/day, and exercising like crazy. And I even started gaining!

    I took a week off for recovery, and then changed my settings on MFP per the advice of others on the board. Magically, the weight started coming off! Within a week, I had lost all the weight I had gained plus some!

    Being this close to your goal weight, I think your body just needs a little more sustanance! I've lost 1.2 lbs this week, which is huge for me. And this was with doing 0.5 lb loss/week PLUS having a cheat day!

    It works!

    what's "recovery"?

    what did you change your settings to?

    how much did you up your calories?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Spike your calories, zigzag your calories... whatever you want to call it. Just eat more once in awhile.
  • missmamselle
    missmamselle Posts: 25 Member
    Didn't think my plateau would get smashed today! Finally after 1 1/2 months of slugging it out, weighed and was down 3 1/2 lbs.
    this a.m.. I had been working out hard, hour long intervals, moderate weight training 6 days a week. Calories at 1,350 eating back exercise calories.

    Here's how I changed it up:

    1) Sugars were too high because of milk. I love it, but it doesn't love me back. (constipation). So, milk will only be an occasional treat. Now putting a little cream in my coffee and on hot cereal. No more chocolate milk for me after working out.

    2) Upped my calories to 1,550 and eating back some. Seeing the plateau I thought I would try and lose 1/2 lb per week instead of 1.

    3) Giving myself some easy days in between harder days like this:

    Monday: HIIT
    Tuesday: Easy walk heart rate around 120 something
    Wednesday: Weights
    Thursday: Easy walk again.
    Friday: HIIT
    Saturday: Easy walk
    Sunday: rest
    Monday: Weights and so on. It seems I might have been trying too hard.

    I don't know if this helps, I have 15 lbs to lose and I'm 47 yrs old.
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    I found that my weight and shape started to change when I started usign heavier weights. Are you doing mostly cardio? I found that the effects of cardio were WAY less when I wasn't balancing it with some weight training, just the basic Jillian Michaels routines. I started with three pound weights and now I am up to eight pounders. I have not noticed any bulging muscles at all. Just toning, which I LOOOVE. Maybe that will help you through the last few pounds? And CONGRATS on your awesome work this year, by the way!!! You are inspirational!!!
  • LuvsToSpin
    LuvsToSpin Posts: 52 Member
    I am going to try this! I too have been stuck, and I am so close to my first goal of 50 lbs before my 50th birthday. So from 1 pound per week to 1/2 pound per week and lets hope it works! I have already switched up my workouts, and I do eat 70% of my exercise calories, so maybe this is just what I need to do! Thanks!
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Sorry for all the exclamations- LOL!
    Take a week off, up your cal intake by changing from 1 lb loss/week to 0.5 lb loss/week, and eat your exercise calories!!!!!! The exact thing happened to me when I was doing 1 lb loss/week! I was only eating 1200 cals/day, and exercising like crazy. And I even started gaining!

    I took a week off for recovery, and then changed my settings on MFP per the advice of others on the board. Magically, the weight started coming off! Within a week, I had lost all the weight I had gained plus some!

    Being this close to your goal weight, I think your body just needs a little more sustanance! I've lost 1.2 lbs this week, which is huge for me. And this was with doing 0.5 lb loss/week PLUS having a cheat day!

    It works!

    This is right. Do this. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • Thank you all for all of your input! The last two weeks of November I pretty much had a recovery session. I ate what I wanted, I tried to be reasonable but it was Thanksgiving, and I exercised 4 times a week instead of 6-7. I gained back 5 pounds. Thankfully last week I was able to lose those pounds again. I have been doing things the same way since I started trying to lose the weight, meeting my calories goal and burning a lot of calories (all through cardio ex. kickboxing, treadclimber, treadmill, spinning, eliptical). I think the hardest thing for me is that the low calorie intake and the high burn in exercise have really become a habit for me. I'm afraid that if I eat more and exercise less that I will gain it back and fast. I am going to start to work on weight training. It makes sense that you would see more results when you pair the weight training with cardio. I've also been reading about switching up my exercise routines. I know how bored I get when I get on the treadmill or treadclimber so I can imagine that my body is getting bored with it as well. I'm really interested on this concept of eating back your exercise calories. That's something that I haven't been doing. Have any of you seen a significant change in your results by doing this?
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Lift weights too.
  • piebird79
    piebird79 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm really interested on this concept of eating back your exercise calories. That's something that I haven't been doing. Have any of you seen a significant change in your results by doing this?

    If you've set yourself as "sedentary", then you should absolutely be eating your exercise calories. Sedentary assumes you don't get any exercise and tells you the number of calories you'd need to consume to lose the desired amount of weight without exercising.

    You should include strength training as a regular part of your exercise routine. Zig-zagging your calories is also beneficial. Good luck!
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    I always eat my exercise calories back! And have been steadily losing since. If you're netting less than 1200 cals/day, then you're just setting yourself up for an eventual plateau and/or weight gain.

    To be honest, I was super nervous about upping my cals each day, but it was the best thing I've done to jumpstart my loss. I HIGHLY recommend trying this. Other on the boards have said that they gained a little at first, then after a week or two, they saw a big weight loss. For me, the weight loss was super fast. And the weight loss hasn't stopped since. Each week, I'm seeing at least a little loss.
  • Yori1
    Yori1 Posts: 142
    Bump for later - I've been stuck since August too.
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    I seem to have hit a plateau too. I have been up and down the same 2lbs for the last month. I have lost 33 lbs in 5.5 months while on MFP. I still have 30-40lbs to go!! I exercise 5-6 days a week and eat back at least 50% of my exercise calories. I think it's time to change thing up, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Suggestions welcome!

    My second question is, for those who have plateaued with a lot of weight still to lose, did the weight continue to go down at a steady rate once you worked through the plateau?

    This is my first plateau!!
  • vdaniela3
    vdaniela3 Posts: 22 Member
    I don't think I seen this mentioned. But watch your SALT!!

    I got carried away eating a baked chip for about 6 months for lunch everyday, yes EVERYDAY!!! Not good I know.

    BUT, a couple weeks ago, I said ok this is enough. I haven't dropped a lb since maybe July. Haven't gained, but haven't lost either. So I looked back at my diary to figure out what I've been doing different since then. In the back of my mind I knew it was the chips, but didn't want to give em up, haha. So, what do you know, I went back as far as May, and those chips are there!! If I lost any between May and July,it was like .5 a month, it was sooo slooowww, lol.

    I've been off of them and replaced it with yogurt, this has been the last 3 weeks. First week nothing, Second week a lb. As of today...4 LBS!!! Woo, lol. It was the salt, but eating those everyday made me feel so normal, I just hated to admit they were a problem, lol.

    So my suggestion, is to watch your salt, and drink more water. I tried everything before looking at my diary. Upping calories, lowering. Extra cardio, extra weights. Different forms of exercise. No exercise. Extra cheat days and so on and so on. It was the salt!!
    good luck =) If I can break it, anyone can break it.