How much does the birth control pill really affect your weig



  • mommyof2kiddos
    I'm glad you posted this as I was wondering to =)

    I can't see it having too big of an impact though..
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    there are so many different options for the pill now - you really are at liberty to work with your doctor until you find one that works for you.
    Wisely put:flowerforyou: :wink:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Make sure you discuss all the side effects with your doctor. I tried the Depo and had very severe depression with it. The pill never had that effect on me.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I want to know what you guys think about this. I have been off the pill for awhile, but I would like to get back on it and into a routine of taking it before my husband comes home. I'm just worried because I see so many people complaining that the pill makes you gain weight. Even though I was on the pill before, I didn't pay attention to whether or not it was causing me to gain weight. Plus, I ate complete crap back then anyway, so if I did gain weight I could not possibly blame it on the pill. I have this theory that maybe people just like to blame the pill when they do in fact gain weight. I don't know though.

    I'm also considering the shots, but I don't even know how that works or what side effects go along with that. Any info on that?

    I personally had the depo shots and gained ALOT of weight with it. It sorta tricks your body into thinking it is pregnant, so the hunger trigger in your brain gets confused.

    I got off of the shots and can not take the pill and opted for the Mirena IUC (5 year contraception) that can be removed at any time.

    That was just my choice. I don't mind it much, very light menstrual time if one at all....I personally have not had it since July, although I do have the symptoms as usual.....check with your Gyno.......

  • fullofjoy720
    I never had a huge problem. I just get hungry a lot of the time near TOM
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Unfortunately the fact is since we all have different chemistries, both are different for everyone. I was on the pill for about 3 years and started having migraines right after TOM. Had to go off and was on nothing for a little while until depo was approved in the US. I have been on and off of DEPO since it came out. Off during financially tight times then back on when my ins. covered it finally but I was using it mainly to control hormones for migraines not to prevent pg since there was no danger of that after I divorced. I can tell you that the first time I went off I started having short term memory loss or as I like to refer to it CRS after about 6 months so I went back on a few months later and by then my ins. covered it anyway. I have no TOM when on it and never have since I started but as a larger woman I have no TOM usually anyway unless I have an extreme drop in weight or I am on the pill which seems like eons ago. If the pill works I would say stick with it because the long term with DEPO is CRS.:laugh: On the weight gain, I have never seen a big dip or gain in weight from DEPO or the pill but at my weight what's a few pounds???

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