Why my weight loss is so slow?



  • Wingmistress
    Don't quit lady. It can be frustrating, but like another poster said, you need to switch it up and confuse your body.

    Since 9/3, I've lost 23.5 lbs. Here is what I do. Maybe it'll help (and I average the same amount of calories as you do).

    I work out 5 days a week.
    Day one - 30 minutes of cardio
    Biceps and Triceps

    Day two - Cardio

    Day three - Cardio
    Shoulders and back

    Day - four - Cardio

    Day 5 - Cardio

    All of my cardio workouts are between 30 - 40 minutes. I put on Pandora and listen to lots of Eminem or metal lol. Fast, crazy music helps me. Also, numbers can really agitate you. Focus on some NSV's. They will get you through.

    Finally, do some research. Read other peoples diaries. Google, suggestions, etc. Remember, this is a journey. You want to win. You will win, just have to fight through.

    If it were easy, everyone would be doing it :)
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    BODY COMPOSITION, what AdAstra47 said.

    As you have reduced extra cardio (cycling) and increased strength training, you have probably increased muscle mass and may still have decreased fat mass. 1kg of fat takes up 3-5 times more space than 1kg of muscle! This balancing act can mean the scales don't move but you are actually making huge improvements on you shape and size.

    Remember, we should be aiming to lose FAT, not WEIGHT (which may be made up of muscle and bone tissue as well as fat, leaving us in a worse health position!
  • Skinnyjosie
    Skinnyjosie Posts: 10 Member
    keep going you are doing great!! me I haven't lose weight in 4 weeks and is horrible but I hope this Saturday when I weight my self the scale will tell me that at least I lose 1lb so hung in there!!!
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I totally understand. I see all these people losing big time. Have you tried to lower your calories? My thyroid is messed up. Perhaps having your doctor do a blood test to make sure everything is ok.
    We are battling with infertility ,so I see an endocrinologist quite often. My thyroid is actually fine.My T4 is on a bit of the higher side, but still considered normal. On the other hand, I have the progesterone level equivalent to a 3-4 months pregnant women. Which is totally ironic, because we are trying to have an other baby. I can not get pregnant, because my body hormones think I am already pregnant. grrr.

    Anyway my Dr tried a few different things, and so far the only way to reduce my progesterone is putting me on birth control pill. Probably because of this , my weight loss is twice as fast when I am on the pill. Except, I do not want to take the pill, because I am trying to get pregnant. It is really frustrating when my body isn't cooperate with me in so many ways.
  • SundayRiver2u
    SundayRiver2u Posts: 21 Member
    I've been on for 55 days and my clothes are fitting amazingly well - too big in some cases yeah! But the scale? No love. NO LOVE. It's really discouraging so I've just stopped weighing myself because like you, I would get too discouraged to see no movement. Instead, I have one pair of jeans that I put on every Monday. They've gotten consistently better fitting and that's what I'm focusing on. I also really, really need to start working out more but sometimes my schedule just doesn't allow for it. But my schedule ALWAYS allows for me to make the right eating choices and that's what I'm concentrating on.

    23 pounds is amazing. You've changed your lifestyle and that's all that matters - just keep it going! Keep it up! :smile: