What foods do you find filling? (Vegetarian/Vegan)



  • anyonebutmehaha
    i have 2 foods that work, seriously seriously work for me.
    one is GG Scandinavian Bran Crispbread -12 calories each and 3 will make you so stuffed you cannot eat another thing-for hours! i like them w/ hummus or vegan "chicken"salad for breakfast, will hold you sooo long. and is a breakfast under 100 calories? leaves a lot of room for snacking later.
    the other is Vegan Diva's Chocolate Mousse....(i started a thread about it not long ago here) it is 42 of the most decadent rich chocolatey goodness you've ever tasted....but it is made from tofu! lolol. i swear you could serve it at a dinner party to meat eaters and they will never know it was anything but awesome. 42 calories for a dessert that tastes like 10 times that many calories? works for me. :laugh:
    google them both- if not available in your area (Vegan Diva's is NYC based) they both are available on line. well worth it!!
  • kiwi1855
    kiwi1855 Posts: 218 Member
    subbing quinoa for the brown rice not only cuts a few cals I think, but IMO it tastes better, is more filling, and has more protein which is a win.

    I love quinoa! I'm in no way vegetarian, however my coworker is and she has had an effect on me! I make it into a breakfast cereal, and have about a scant half cup (cooked) which keeps me full for hours!

    EDIT: oh! and baked sweet potatoes! Those are currently my go to food!
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I am vegetarian, and I find if I don't eat lots of protein throughout the day, I am pretty ravenous. If I eat plenty though, I am satisfied. I never eat protein substitutes like powders or bars, and the only fake meat I eat is Yves meatless beef slices on occasion and the rare veggie burger (though since my school cafeteria accidentally served me a meat one which I disgustingly bit into, I haven't had many of those). Anyway, some of the proteins I eat are:

    ~I love making burritos for breakfast. I use corn tortillas, a generous scoop of refried pinto or black beans, lots of spicy salsa, and a serving of grated cheese. If you eat cheese, then you get protein from both that and the beans.
    ~I love stir-fried vegetables with tofu. If I don't have tofu, I will put beans in it instead. Then I add a small spoon of Thai chili sauce and add most of the flavour through a variety of spices. I add enough tofu/beans to give me protein.
    ~sometimes I make a wrap out of the Yves meatless beef slices--I put three slices on a tortilla with a lettuce/carrot blend and a slice of light American cheese. Those beef slices don't look like a lot of food, but they have A LOT of protein in them, so the wrap is quite filling (I only use small tortillas)
    ~oh, I forgot: I do eat one other fake meat. It is a new one I found, and it is a Canadian product though so they might only sell here. Anyway, it is Gardein brand "chicken" breast. It comes with one piece of meatless chicken and a sauce. The entire thing is only 160 or so calories. It is a proper serving size (not huge), but sooo filling as that one piece has 20 grams of protein.
    ~I love homemade lentil and/or bean soup. I occasionally eat canned lentil soups, but I MUCH prefer to make my own so they don't have that "I-came-from-a-can" taste. Bean soups are full of protein and soooo yummy.
    ~I also eat a serving of nuts daily, and I sprinkles seeds and beans into my salads
    ~I personally don't eat eggs, but if you do, omelettes can offer plenty of protein for you as well.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Cabbage and cauliflower.