Without 2 pounds of my goal weight what to do?

Topic title should be Within lol

I will be at my goal weight within the next two days. I have lose skin on inner thigh and stomach. I want to build muscle without gaining fat. I know with adding muscle I will gain weight but I dont want the fat. So does anyone have a diet and workout plan that will help me up. My weight will be 185 down from 302 and my maintain calorie intake is from 1950 to 2030 per day. I havent done any weight training at all and not much cardio, 2 maybe 3 times a week. I will be getting a gym membership as a reward for my goal. I have thought about martial arts classes, doing the gym and a climbing gym. So thats my ideas and any help on this would be great.:happy:


  • monet13
    monet13 Posts: 324 Member
    What a great problem to have! Definitely working out with weights will help you firm up and muscle also takes up some space within that extra skin - it also makes you feel good :smile: Good luck firming up!
  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    What a great problem to have! Definitely working out with weights will help you firm up and muscle also takes up some space within that extra skin - it also makes you feel good :smile: Good luck firming up!

    Thank you very much, I was 275 in late May. Feel so much better wish I had done this 25 years ago