Scales nightmare

Hiya I need some advise,

I use scales too much I know but i weighed on Sunday and I was 268 . . happy me! Weighed on Wednesday and I was 273, Huh!!!
I am exercising more, staying under my calorie goal and not eating many exercise cals back. I have lost 33.5 inches from my body so I am very happy about that.

I have been craving and eating a lot of carbs (it is very cold in the NE of england at the moment) but still never over the recommended amount, so . . .what gives????

Yesterday I protein loaded and ate less than 2/3 of the carb allowance. . . . is this the way to go?

I know that protein is far better to eat so I have always been way over every day (loads of meat and fish).

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Oops, read wrong! Disregard!
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Wow, just over 33", congratulations!

    As far as the scale, is there anyone else you can put in charge of it (partner can hide it, a friend can keep it at their house) so you only weigh in once a week, on the same day around the same time? I use my landlords' scale, because I know that if I have one I will obsessively weigh myself.

    Can't help you with the carb/protein thing because I am a carboholic and barely even get close to my protein most days although I have improved it.
  • rfarinha
    rfarinha Posts: 388 Member
    About 20 lbs in, I had a similar problem... would step on the scale and step off, step on again and my weight could be as much as 1 to 1 1/2 lbs up or down. It was very frustrating. I called the customer support for my scale, and found out to reset it. I removed the battery for 30 minutes. Put the battery back in, and then activated the scale, but didn't step on it... let it turn off. The activate it again, and then step on it. Every since, it seems that I haven't had issues with my scale. It's worth a try... good luck!
  • QueenStromba
    QueenStromba Posts: 57 Member
    That will be water weight. Are you coming up to your time of the month? If not you are probably eating too much sodium or not drinking enough water.
  • Linnybear1974
    Due to my contraceptive pills I don't actually have a period but have worked out that, yes I would be due now QueenStromba.

    I will try the trick with the scale battery rfarinha.

    Play_outside you are so right, need to get the hubby to hide them, I torture myself on a daily basis!!!!
  • reba971
    I do the same thing every week. My weigh in day is Saturday. When I wake up, I go to the bathroom and then weigh myself before I do anything else. This is the best time to weigh in. Usually by Monday morning I weigh again and I am usually up at least a pound, sometimes as much as 4-5 pounds! It is frightening, but nothing to worry about. I stick with my plan ( low carbs, high protein, not too high fat) and I lose at least a pound a week. If I exercise and really watch my food intake I can lose up to 5 pounds a week. Low carb is the way to go for me, I love them and they are the thing I always binge on, so I cut them out and now I don't miss them most of the time. If I do miss them I usually have a few bites of whatever I am craving and realize that it doesn't taste as good as it used to! Good luck, don't worry too much about the scale! Keep getting healthy.
  • reba971
    Oh and you may want to ask your Dr. about the contraceptive pills, maybe an alternative. Some of them, especially the ones that keep you from having a period, can cause weight gain, water retention and general hormone changes that make it hard to lose weight. I had this problem when I took shots to stop my periods because they were horrible, but I gained 20 pounds without changing a thing in my diet! It was just the hormones and stuff in the shots that was making me gain weight, great for my period but bad for my waistline!
  • Art63
    Art63 Posts: 87
    Unfortunately, I don't think most scales are perfectly accurate. Maybe the expensive ones in doctor's offices are but the ones I've ever had vary almost minute to minute. And it seems that they vary depending on the humidity or warmth in the room. If yours is near a vent bringing hot air into the room that could affect it. It bugs me that they aren't perfect, but I don't want to spend a lot of money on another scale so I figure in the long run it averages out to what my true weight is.