Wakeing up in the middle of the night gasping for air?

I just wanted to see if anyone else has the problem were they wake up in the middle of the night and they struggle to breahte then your heart raceses for a bit? Its like ur asleep then all of a sudden you jump half put of ur bed because you feel like your chocking or something? This has been happinh every few nights and im not sure why its not often only sometimes and my last episode was night is this because of my weight maybe?


  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Years ago this happened to me. For me it had nothing to do with weight.
    For me it was allergy induced asthma.
    See a DR, they can check how irritated your lungs are, which is a sign of this.
    There are some simple medicinal treatments.

    Good Luck
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    That's happened to me a few times. Not enough that I've sought medical treatment. Don't think it has to do with your weight. Also wondered if it's a mild case of sleep apnea.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Sounds like apnea to me. Unchecked can lead to heart disease. Know this from experience. May want to let your doctor know.
  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    When i was pregnant.
  • PKempy
    PKempy Posts: 14
    Sounds a bit like obstructive sleep apnoea.

    I have that condition and one of the symptoms I had was like you described. (I am OK now thanks to a CPAP machine)

    You need to get this checked out by a doctor (try googling sleep apnoea / apnea)
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Sounds like Sleep Apnea. Get it checked, as oxygen deprivation can have bad effects on your health. GP can refer you to a sleep clinic if he agrees with your suspicions.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Go see your doctor.
  • lucysposaro
    lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
    could it really be sleep apnoea when its really rare that it happens
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    Sounds like apnea to me. Unchecked can lead to heart disease. Know this from experience. May want to let your doctor know.

    I agree with this - go see your doctor. it's not an uncommon problem. You may be stopping breathing in your sleep - which (fortunately) wakes you up. I'm not sure about the link to heart disease.

    If you are waking up with difficulty breathing then it is more likely to be asthma or similar. Either way, you need to go and see your doctor.
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    could it really be sleep apnoea when its really rare that it happens

  • emmiexjay
    emmiexjay Posts: 146 Member
    yes plus do you have anyone else in your house/room with you? while your asleep? snoring extremely loudly and waking in the middle of the night gasping for air are the critial causes of apena. my drs thought i had it but i didn't wake in the night or snore mine was based on my allergy asthma attacks.
  • lucysposaro
    lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
    I spoke to my partner about it he said when i do that im breathing normal but i wake up and i fele liek i cant breathe,,,,because im usally asleep before him and he sees me do it almost everytime...hes like u were breathign normal but my hearts racing at the time and im catching a breathe any ideas on to maybe what that is i dont have heart probs iv had my heart checked many times because my dad has that prob.I dont have asthma but my child does
  • lucysposaro
    lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
    oh and my partner said i snore sometimes but not all the time.
  • LisaRussell27
    I get that a few times. I was checked by doctors who said its caused by being overweight and putting excess strain on the oesophegus. I was told to sleep with my mattress propped up which as helped. But anything like that should be checked out by a doctor.
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    Could be anxiety. Best advice I can give you is to go see a doctor. Good Luck.
  • Quarantined
    My boyfriend does this sometimes. He stops breathing for a little while then coughs and splutters himself (and me) awake. D: Scares me half to death.
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    It sounds like apnea... but honestly your best option is to go see a doctor. If it is apnea, it isn't something to mess with. If it isn't, you'll want to get to the bottom of it either way. It isn't "normal."
  • RoosterB
    RoosterB Posts: 214 Member
    I had that once a couple of hours after taking Night Nurse capsules. Very scary at the time.
  • Manysongs
    Sounds like it might be sleep apnea..my advice? See a Doctor! :)
  • pixydoodle
    when you fall right asleep and go immediately into REM sleep this can happen. During REM sleep your breathing slows way down so this can happen if you are not deeply enough asleep and you wake out of that first REM sleep cycle.