Does your period affect your weight loss?



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    Sorry to quote myself but, my doctor told me to take calcium supplements 7 days before my period and d-3 and b complex it will help with cramps bloating and fatigue. I tried it and this period been alot better then previous ones.

    Thanks for the info!
  • Fruit_Girl
    Fruit_Girl Posts: 24 Member
    Wierdly enough I lose more during my period, I just feel like I gained fat in some places but the scale says I didn't.
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    I have been noticing the week before and first couple of days I go into a stall or put on a little. I have been on Mirena for 1 yr and 3mths now and Dr. said they should go away but they haven't yet. :sad: Mine are only a few days long, which is better than what it was.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Absolutely! But then I lose more afterwards!

    Bloating is a bit of a problem, but I minimize it with drinking lots of water. I can add up to 5 pounds anyway! Crazy!
  • the week before my period i always get super depressed and also when im on it and so i dont feel good and dont want to work out as much so i always gain weight but usually not too much
  • I get really cranky and swell up like a balloon. People have asked me when I was expecting during that TOM. Generally makes me want to sit around and eat and not work out, so I gain about a pound or two.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Cravings and weight gain are usually the tell tale sign when its coming for me. I have to workout the few days when it comes because I would feel terrible. I hate feeling bloated. It seems to have gotten worse with age.
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    i think i gain a pound of zits on my chin alone. :ohwell:
  • tampatha
    tampatha Posts: 5
    I always find that I feel so bloated despite how much water I drink to flush out. I too feel a bit down in the dumps so I don't want to exercise or anything like that either. Once it's done, everything seems to balance out and I feel myself again.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 999 Member
    I've been curious about the same. I seem to have no loss or a slight gain (1-2 lbs) during that week. The following week is typically the best loss of the month. Let's hope that pattern continues! LOL
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 322 Member
    Im on my period now and Im glad I found this thread! I gained a pound back and im craving everything!!! EVERYTHING!! And Im trying so hard not to cave but atleast going to the gym is never a question! I knew something was weird a couple days ago all of sudden all these craving then not losing weight then gaining a just didnt seem right! the BAM! oh *kitten* Its my time of the month! I am happy that its just that because I thought I was slipping there was no return lol! PMS.....tsk tsk
  • I haven't lost not one pound- my period is super irregular after having my baby (he's now 9 months) & I haven't had a period ever since jan. & were in late march! Help btw how can I get that cool icons or ruler looking like that stated how much youve lost?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Do you find that it's harder to lose weight during your period? I feel so bloated and I think I probably retain water, too. If you do notice a stall in loss, how long does it take for the weight to start dropping again?
    Started this morning and I'm up 3lbs over yesterday. Ain't no thang, happens every month, and comes right back off when shark week is over. :tongue:
  • CardiC333
    CardiC333 Posts: 68 Member
    Ugh saaaaammmeee.
  • Ya it does. I will either go to TOPS and Turtle or I'll gain a little, then the next week I will have a huge weight-loss and win a prize.
  • Just in the last 24 hours, I've lost 2 1/2 pounds without really changing my diet. I also was baking the whole weekend and taking care of my 16yr old sister with a 5th percentile concussion (really bad concussion). And snuck a few cookies:(. I encourage other ladies to take advantage of the week and diet during your period. Also I recommend a 200,300,700 Breakfast lunch and dinner diet because if you are conservative during the day, you can eat almost anything you could want with those 700 ca. (Which I have used off and on during the summers.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Yes. I retain water both right before/during my period, as well as during ovulation. It sucks and messes with your mind a bit, but it does come back down.
  • JamieBeth19
    JamieBeth19 Posts: 47 Member
    I gain up to 5 pounds during this time. I have found that if I drink a lot of water it's not as horrible. I drop the 5 lbs plus some about 3-4 days after my period has been gone.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Does it affect my weight loss? Overall, no - I've still managed to drop the weight/fat/several sizes despite my period showing up every month. :tongue: Does the scale go up a few pounds during that time? Yep, always - but it's not fat gain, and it's only temporary, so no worries.
  • jenfig
    jenfig Posts: 3 Member
    I'm so glad to have read all the posts....I think its the first time I have weighted myself while on my period. Oh man I was upset gained 2 Lbs but now I will keep calm and continue excercising.