I still feel big :(

Such a self pitying post put I'm so sick of feeling down about my weight and body. I've lost all this weight gone back down to my pre pregnancy weight of 118lbs and I still see the 193lbs old me. I just don't know what to do. I'm still eating 1,200 calories allowing myself to go over by 100 or so without kicking myself but I'm still he'll bent on trying to get to 115lbs even though I know I'd look I'll. I guess I just need some advice from people who's successfully lost weight and still wanting to loose more even though they don't need to. What do you do to make yourself realise you don't need to :/ xx


  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    ive lost weight in the past and still felt big, but now if i go back and look at the old pics, im thinking wow i looked good, take some pictrures of youself, its easier to beleive when you have the proof in your hands you look good :)
  • aspen1377
    aspen1377 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm not quite done yet, but I want you to know I totally understand. I am working on focusing on the positive aspects of my body and that's hard for me. I am lower than I've been in 11 years...down to where I was before kids, and I still analyze my body in every way shape and form and find things wrong with it. I am working on it though...so just know you aren't alone. My husband says "i wish you could see what I see and what everyone else sees when they look at you"....but I don't.:cry:
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    I agree. When one decides to go on a diet and lose weight, it usually has to do (at least partially) with self-image. So the entire time, somewhere in your head, you're thinking about how you look, how you don't like it, how you want it to be, and so on and so forth. You kind of get stuck in that rut, even after you've lost the weight, and it takes a bit of motivation to see that you can step out of that cycle now and see you for how you are NOW rather than how you were before. The picture thing is a great idea, especially if you have some before and after pictures. It'll really put you into perspective.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    weight loss can be addicting (it's true)... it's always about getting down to a smaller number. but in reality the best thing to do when you reach your goal weight is to not weigh as much for a while. maybe weigh every few weeks... because otherwise we become too obsessed with a number. the other thing you could do is take your measurements. try to do some strength training. focus on getting your muscles toned and try to not worry so much about a number. this is the advice i am giving myself these days. i have lost about 20 lb and still have a few more to go but i do not want to get obsessed with a number on the scale. it can be harder to change our brain than it can be to change our physical appearance. focus on other things that make you happy too. think about all the great things you have in your life and remind yourself every day of those things. it will take time because like i said, weight loss is addicting. now that you're at your goal weight increase just a little bit of calories each week until you find your maintenance. meanwhile, don't stress yourself out about "a number"... easier said than done, i know!
  • I also feel like that sometimes despite losing a lot of weight & inches. I guess its normal especially when you're used to seeing yourself big. The only thing I keep in mind is the other benefits that I'm enjoying right now as a result of weight loss like improved health, better stamina, better athletic performance, sharper mind & most of all, looking fabulous in clothes. Don't focus on your weight alone but think of other benefits that you're enjoying right now aside from losing weight.
  • lts42uk
    lts42uk Posts: 162 Member
    I can relate to this too and taking a picture may well help! It took the picture that I have here as my profile to realise that my tummy wasn't big anymore! My boyfriend heaved a sigh of relief and said 'At last!' when I actually saw it for myself. I still struggle though - I'm under my goal now because I can't seem to be able to stop even though I know that any thinner would not look good!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    It's really common. One thing you may want to do is really focus on strength training. It may not be about the number on the scale anymore but your body fat & lean muscle percentages. You may look at your body and not feel like you have the results you want even though the scale says you should be happy. You can change the way your body looks completely without having that number change at all, at the same time continue to lose inches and start to see bits of definition.

    Sometimes I think we never get used to being smaller. I had a freak out just last weekend. In the dressing room of all places. I can usually pull myself out of it, but I couldn't that time. What has helped me in the past is putting on my favorite jeans. Look in the mirror and see that they fit. Take them off and look at the size and look in the mirror and go back and forth. I know by brain is lying when I see that heavy girl looking at me, the jeans are telling the truth. Does that make sense?
  • Gemmageldmacher
    Gemmageldmacher Posts: 45 Member
    Perhaps I'm being a little alarmist, but it sounds like the beginnings of an eating disorder - an inability to see yourself as you really are is worrying. 193 down to 118 is an AMAZING feat!!! I like lisanne's trick of posting that pic of herself as a reminder - she looks great too! And weight loss can be addicting. I think you're doing the right thing recognizing the problem and trying to reach out. You may want to talk to your doctor about it as well the next time you are in for a check-up. He/she will likely gush about the good you've done for yourself. Finally, make sure you understand what a healthy weight is for you - just seeing the sheer numbers may help you put into context what you're seeing on the scale and in the mirror. Figure out your BMR - I'm guessing you may even be on the underweight side depending on your height. Take a step back, look at pics of your old self, and enjoy what you've achieved!! Good work!!
  • Before I got pregnant with my daughter I got down to the smallest I had ever been. I was a size 14 and went down to a size 8. I was stil insecure and felt like I was too big.. the time I woke up and realized how good I looked was when I went shopping with my boyfriend for pants. I kept trying to get size 11 because I knew I had lost a little weight but didn't realize it was that much. He kept saying they would be too big and forced me to try on size 8. They fit PERFECTLY! Never have I been in such a good mood after jean shopping. So if you have not gone shopping for your new clothes yet, or tried on the pair of jeans that you think would never fit, I highley recommend that for helping you to realize how great you look!
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I'm not even at my goal weight and I have this problem sometimes. It's one of the reasons why I think when I was much heavier I just didn't even notice - my body still matched what I saw in the mirror and in my head when I was 50 lbs lighter and smaller! Now, I have a hard time seeing my successes in the mirror. Often I still have this idea about what I look like, and it's still the woman several months, even a year ago, at 30 lbs heavier. So it's very common I think, especially for women.

    I agree with Karin about strength training though. Regardless of whether or not it even changes much physically (which it will), my self-confidence and self-esteem is much higher now that I have been lifting heavy and getting stronger. I feel like I have better, healthier goals to set with strength training, rather than just a number on the scale. And there are many positive female role models who are serious lifters. This is a really great article I found yesterday - http://tinyurl.com/76c8mj6.
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 241 Member
    ive lost almost 60 pounds and still feel big and personally see no difference. so i feel your pain dear but just know its working and its a marathon not a race :) YOU GOT THIS!!