I need help and I've got 30 days to do it!

I've got 30 days before I set sail on the Carnival Jan 8th to Jamaca, Cayman, and Cozmel with a group of 20 friends. What do you reccomend I do to get in the best shape possible in that time frame? I need some guidance bc my weight hasn't budged since 11/26 when I weighed in at 188. I haven't seen that number since and it's been flutuating between 190-192. I need help and guidance please! I've been following a calorie deficet only and keep my calories at 1400 or less and I get some form of (1 hour) exercise in about 4 days/wk either brisk walking, cycling 18mph, or cardio/strength training. I would feel better if I lost another 10lbs and need suggestions bc my weightloss thus far has taken me 5 months. Should I try low carb, high low fat protein? Please give me a plan or suggestions. Feeling desperate. Thanks!!!


  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    I'd guess eat more. If you're eating 1400 or less AND exercising you're eating too little. Be realistic, unless you can pee out lots of water you will not lose 10 lbs of fat in a month.

    Can you make your diary public so we can see what you've been eating?
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    I found that Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred really helped me. I toned up really quickly, and I lost a dress size in the 30 days. I ate 1500 calories a day, and I do a 40% carb, 30% protein, 30% fat diet. It's a 30 minute workout that you can do at home with a mat and weights. Believe me, it will kick your butt but it really works! I also added in extra cardio days where I did interval training three days a week. Just my suggestion.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I would recommend upping your daily calories, especially since you're exercising. You probably aren't eating enough.