Live, Love, Be Healthy, Be Happy <3

I am new to this site, and I didn't see a place to start a "journal" but I think that's the best way for me to stick to my health plan. Atleast I've heard that doing that helps. =]
Anyways, my goal is to just be healthier, and maybe lose around 4-5 extra pounds in the process. I don't ever want to get too skinny, so I don't want to lose more weight than that.
During the past 2 years, I got very sick, and ended up gaining alot of weight for my small frame because of it. I had surgery, and that helped alot, but it's still sort of an ongoing battle to stay healthy. A huge part of it was my diet, and I realize that now. So, as a way for me to take charge of my own health, I have decided to get fit! :blushing:
I find this site to be very helpful, and it allows me to keep track of what I'm really eating in a day, and when I'm eating. Also, I can tell if my caloric intake and my physical activity level are correct.

Thanks for stopping by! =]


  • sweetapplepi
    I am new to this site, and I didn't see a place to start a "journal" but I think that's the best way for me to stick to my health plan. Atleast I've heard that doing that helps. =]
    Anyways, my goal is to just be healthier, and maybe lose around 4-5 extra pounds in the process. I don't ever want to get too skinny, so I don't want to lose more weight than that.
    During the past 2 years, I got very sick, and ended up gaining alot of weight for my small frame because of it. I had surgery, and that helped alot, but it's still sort of an ongoing battle to stay healthy. A huge part of it was my diet, and I realize that now. So, as a way for me to take charge of my own health, I have decided to get fit! :blushing:
    I find this site to be very helpful, and it allows me to keep track of what I'm really eating in a day, and when I'm eating. Also, I can tell if my caloric intake and my physical activity level are correct.

    Thanks for stopping by! =]
  • running4myhealth
    You can start a blog on here. Many people do it. Just click on "community" and then you'll see a tab under it saying blogs.
  • sweetapplepi
    Thanks so much. Off I go ! :bigsmile:
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