Awkward Gym Moment



  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Oh and one time I was running laps around the indoor track and kind of zoned out day dreaming. The first lane is to be for runners only, no walking. Someone decided to walk and I completely ran them over on accident xD
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    last but not least...every single butt-naked lady in the locker room. don't care if you're 20 and have a perfect body or 70 and a little flabby. i don't want to see it. i understand it's the locker room but there's no reason you have to be walking around everywhere, doing your hair, talking to friends naked.

    No kidding. Those are awkward moments. I don't even get what's up with the locker rooms. I really want to print up some signs that say, "No Standing/Walking Around Naked".

    totally agree with this. the older the lady the less selfconscious they seem to be. you really don't want to have to see some lady with grey pubes putting skin cream on head to foot. that sort of thing should be done int he privacy of her home. To me its simple manners for the first thing to happen when you leave the shower is put a pair of panties on. at least.
  • jobster68
    It's not laugh out loud funny like some of them - but the look of panic and a blokes face when I jumped in the swimming pool wearing my waterproof MP3 player was definitely one for the archives! I think he thought he was gonna get fried!

  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    Oh, no. That is hilarious. I have a waterproof digital cam that looks like a phone. I have tons of fun with that. I've had my son put it in a beverage glass at a hotel and walk up to the counter to ask for a towel. We have thrown it in the pool, etc. It is pretty funny. Thanks for sharing.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    One time I was on the treadmill doing a very intense day from C25K (can't remember which now though) But I was so dead after. I went to the spot where they have the cleaning stuff and nothing was there! I was feeling around like an idiot and so dizzy. I gave up and just left. Felt like everyone on the bikes facing me were judging me.

    ... and I didn't know where else there was cleaning stuff. I also don't touch much of the machine, just the start,stop and the numbers for speed.
    RRT_RCP Posts: 169 Member
    Once I was working on the elliptical, using a good resistance level, so I was working it out. A trainer came up to me and started talking to me. Well, doing all that talking was getting me out of breath and hard for me to talk. She then asked me what my goals were. I said, to be able to join crossfit and keep up. She looked at me funny and said, wow, haven't really heard people talk about that. Then she left. It then it hit me like 5 minutes later that she thought I said CROSS DRESS!! :blushing:
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    listen to this................. Right so you have a area in your gym with mats where you do abs excercise and stretches yea? well I was doing some excerise on the gym ball in this area and this bloke comes and lays down on the end mat next to the plastic rack that holds all the gym/swiss balls to start doing his abs, I get up and go to put my gym ball back on this fragile rack, when I only knock the whole thing over and about 8 gym balls go crashing all over him! and all over the area! I could of died with embarrasment! I always knew one day that it would happen, the stupid rack was a joke.
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    Also, I have been known to catch my earphones with my hand and send my ipod flying across the room. I hate when that happens. :blushing:
    ha ha - i've done that - iphones are tougher than you think!
  • martinh78
    Nothing awkward, but I've walked in with my shorts on backwards. Wondered why I couldn't put my hand in my pocket lol. Went back to the locker room!

    A really awkward moment the other day when I went in the locker room. An old guy only uses the showers to save money at home, doesn't exercise, just sits there naked, drying by the radiator waiting to talk to anyone. The other day he saw me twinge (back ache) and walked right over to dig his thumbs in my back. NOT a comfortable moment!
  • c2me12ad6
    c2me12ad6 Posts: 127 Member
    I work at a police dept and I was runnin in the dept gym after my shift. I was alone and had my ipod so I was singing out loud and yelling out the cadences that I have on it out loud. I would check here and there to make sure no one was in there before serenading myself again. well......i got lost in my cadence and before i knew it 5 mins or so had gone by and i turned and looked behind me and the CHIEF OF POLICE was sitting on the bench press bench watching laughing at me....ugh FAIL
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Oh man where do I start...?

    * Entering the pool with my baby and only at that point realising I had my swimming costume on inside out (praying the white gusset wasn't flashing anyone!) - nothing I could do except get through the 30 minute class!
    * Saying hi to my neighbour on the treadmill, her telling me she was about to get married and then promptly flying off it. Sprained her wrist too, I felt awful
    * going to sit down on one of the weight machines but the seat wasn't properly adjusted so crashed down to the bottom with a squeal in front of all the muscle men lol
    * not once but TWICE throwing water everywhere - the first time was when I thought the top was on the bottle, picked it up to have a swig and water all down me right as one of the PTs was walking towards me. The second time I forgot my bottle and had a plastic cup. Managed to drop a headphone in it first (!) and in fishing it out knocked the cup out of my own hand *sigh*

    can you tell I'm a bit of a klutz?!
  • Natalie49
    Natalie49 Posts: 210 Member
    a sweaty *kitten*...
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    1. I took someone's elliptical by accident.. I was on it for about 5 mins... Lady comes back and said I was on this elliptical don't you see my stuff on the floor next to it... Look down.. And her bag, towel, water bottle, etc... Yea that was awkward

    2. Oh the stalker I had where my friend knew someone was following and didn't say anything but laughed the whole time... And the creeper who brought his weights out of the designated weight sation to where I was (the mat area for stretching etc)...... Wow! The staff had to repeatedly remind him to stop taking the weights from weight area just to watch women.... AWKWARD AND SCARY!! ... Um obviously they know what he is doing they should have banned him!!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Nothing awkward, but I've walked in with my shorts on backwards. Wondered why I couldn't put my hand in my pocket lol. Went back to the locker room!

    A really awkward moment the other day when I went in the locker room. An old guy only uses the showers to save money at home, doesn't exercise, just sits there naked, drying by the radiator waiting to talk to anyone. The other day he saw me twinge (back ache) and walked right over to dig his thumbs in my back. NOT a comfortable moment!

    hahahaha that is why people should not be naked at the gym!