


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Do they still make Water Joe? It was bottled water with caffeine in it. I always wanted to use it in my coffeemaker... heehee...

    My BF had a friend who not only did that, but double brewed the coffee, triple the caffeine, double the coffee. All I have to say is Yuck!

    I've come to the realization I need the caffeine to function. My doctor hates I have two cups of coffee a day. I sweeten with stevia, so zero calories and extra fiber there, but I also use flavored creamer, and the no sugar stuff really sucks. It's my only guilty pleasure so I'm not giving it up. I'm trying to cut back, but those headaches really suck, and they last two weeks for me! I just can't do it!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I wish there was a caffeine pill that you could take.

    There is a pill, there's also gum and candy. Or if you were willing to wait a while you could order the caffeinated soap, brownies, milk straws, popcorn, marshmallows etc from think geek (just type in caffeine in the search, I'm sure you'll get lots). While you're at it, buy the caffeine molecule necklace :P
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Be VERY careful with the Excedrin. It is known to be very addictive and you can get into a cycle of rebound headaches.

    I got into a rebound cycle over 10 years ago and have generally had to take 2-3 doses of Excedrin per day every day to prevent headaches. I have tried tapering, taking only the caffeine, taking only the acetaminophen, etc. Nothing has worked! I have tried many times to kill the addiction, but every attempt has resulted in debilitating headaches.
  • tallnsexy
    tallnsexy Posts: 22 Member
    I use vivarin myself it's 200mg a pill (equal to one cup of cofffe) and it definitly works for me. I work 7p-7a in the hospital as a nurse and usually by my 3rd night at 5am I'm delirious I'm so sleepy. One of those babies get's me going enough to finish my shift and get home safely. I definitly recommend them
  • Serqita
    Serqita Posts: 34 Member
    i try going with out caffeine but it not work for me. so i drink caffeine everyday