Water consumption and weight loss



  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    No! Soda, Coffee, Diet Coke is NOT water!

    They still count towards your daily water intake, as what are they if they aren't mostly water?
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    So... I'm not convinced it aids weight loss, BUT, it definitely flushes out the system. I'm going to continue drinking large amounts for as long as I can be bothered to go to the toilet 10 times a day. When I get sick of that, I'll go back to drinking when my body tells me to.
    I appreciate what you've written. It's nice to see someone sharing their observations.

    Water does aid weight loss and that's one of the reasons why folks recommend it - with 16 oz of water in your stomach, it's harder to eat "too much" than it is without 16 oz of water in your stomach.

    Insofar as "flushing out the system", more water will make you urinate more. Our bodies are homeostats so when we drink water, it will only absorb as much as it can and the rest just gets peed out. But does it "flush out the system"? That implies that more water is better, to me, and, as the links from this thread have shown, the medical evidence is that there's no particular value in drinking "a lot of water". On an individual level, it would seem that not drinking 8 by 8 would cause the system to not get flushed but I've yet to see anything, other than anecdotes, that supports that.

    Our bodies have evolved over millions of years to handle a variety of situations - feast, famine, drought, floods. It does better with some things than others and some things are just evolutionarily wrong (anyone found a use for the appendix). The drinking water issue is, as far as I can tell, pretty well handled by the thirst mechanism.

    You've said that your skin cleared up a bit. That could be a function of weight loss. I had a blemish over my right eyebrow for much of the time when I was obese. No more. I had no treatments for it and it cleared up fairly early in my weight loss. Perhaps that's what you experienced.
  • Strobins05
    BTW, I do drink lots of coffee daily but I do not calculate it with my water intake. And tea for that matter. To me, H2o is just that, H2o.
  • anyonebutmehaha

    And when the "experts" say to get 48-64oz of water a day they neglect to emphasize that you can about 40% of that through food (at least real, non-processed food).

    I take a lesson from my pets. When they get thirsty they go drink some water. And they pee a bright, clear yellow. They don't suck down water all day for fear of getting dehydrated. That is why our bodies have SIGNALS.

    I let my body tell me when I need water. (And coffee and tea count. They might be diuretics but you are still consuming a fluid)

    now that makes sense. i usually consume a lot of whole foods (fruits and veggies) and have a low thirst drive. trying to force 8 glasses of water in means running to pee every hour all day long.

    btw- i also take lessons from my pets like if you feed felines the obligate carnivore diet they are suppose to consume (no grains) they no longer drink ANY water....even my diabetic cat only uses the water bowl to drop his toy mice into to 'drown' them, lol.