New to MFP...need some friends!!

Hi everyone. I'm Lisa, and I just recently (a week or two ago) signed up for MFP. I have basically the same story as lots of you, but it started a little differently than some. When I was about 2 years old, my I started gaining weight really quickly, and my parents took me to a half a dozen different doctors. I finally ended up at Mayo Clinic because no one could figure out what was wrong with me. The doctor at Mayo told my parents that I just have a really, REALLY slow metabolism, and in his words: "don't buy her a car; buy her lots and lots of running shoes, because if she ever wants to be a 'normal' size, she will have to run everywhere she goes." Well....for the last 29 years, I have allowed that to be an excuse, and I've allowed myself to remain overweight -- or as I like to call it, FAT!!

But....the turning point was when I had my daughter. When I left the hospital with her, I was THIRTY POUNDS LIGHTER than I was before I got pregnant!! (It was because I was eating healthy, getting more sleep than usual, and I didn't have a beer for 8 months!!) That was the first time in my life that it truly dawned on me that I CAN control my weight and that I don't have to let it control me. Of course, I vowed that I woudln't gain the weight back, but I did.

So here I am, my daughter is 4 years old, and I am starting over again. But this time is different....this time it's a conscious effort. When I started gettiing serious about losing the weight and eating (MUCH) healthier towards the end of October, I was 207lbs. As of this morning, I was 193.8. I think that is more weight than I've lost in any attempt, and I've stuck to it for longer than I have in the past.

I have a mid-term goal of being at 170lbs by June 1st, and a long term goal of being at 145lbs by next November 1st.

Anyhow, I'm sure I'm leaving things out, but I'm kind of nervous....this is the first time I've posted. I just really wanted to say hello, and a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you guys. I've been peeking at the boards over the last couple weeks, and reading everyone's stories and successes, and you have already been a HUGE inspiration and motivation to me.

So....if you feel so inclined, you can add me as a friend on here, but if not, just take my "thanks" and know how much you've already helped me on my journey!!

:):):) LISA

PS -- my profile picture is HORRIBLE -- but that's the point!! I chose the worst, frumpiest, fattest picture I could find of myself that is still fairly recent (this one is from August) and put it up so that every time I log in, I'm reminded of what I don't want to see in the mirror anymore. I'll post a better one when I've earned it! LOL! :)


  • kissoffools
    Good luck to you! These boards are incredible when it comes to motivation. I have a similar journey to you - I started at about 199lbs, and I'm now at my halfway point of 170lbs. (Being stuck here is what lead me to find MFP, haha!) My end goal is about 145lbs, as well. Feel free to add me if you're looking for friends - everyone can use support!
  • jakeschafer
    Im in the same boat as you i just signed up today and the feedback so far in the mere hours ive had an account havr neen pretty well! Feel free to add me im stickin to this, this time
  • cinderbay
    cinderbay Posts: 30 Member
    I started back in Sept. I've lost just 13lbs but I am PROUD of those 13. They have been hard work.
    Years ago I was 250lbs. Did WW and got myself down to 135. I think that was too thin for me. I maintained at 145 for a long time. Sadly over time I gained until in Aug I saw the scale creep up to 191!!! I dropped a couple pounds and then found MFP!
    I am SO happy I did.
    Lately too I feel I need more support and motivation. So here I am!! In the forums :)
  • Joniboloney
    Joniboloney Posts: 127 Member
    Hi Lisa, I'm new here too and need support also. Let's do this together! I'll send youa friend request.
    :) Joni