Eating when Sick

Over the last two days all i've had is a granolla bar and some grapes and a small piece of chicken. and my stomach is still upset and I'm not hungry.

I've tried to keep drinking water too but that also makes my stomach hurt. Assuming this goes away soon and I'm able to eat relatively normal again, any suggestions on foods that are easy to digest but also relatively healthy?

Also, Since i'm not really fueling my body right I assume I probably shouldn't be doing much excercise as well. anyone else been in the same boat recently? I only get sick like every other year so when I do it is hard to know what i should or shouldn't be eating/doing.


  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Over the last two days all i've had is a granolla bar and some grapes and my stomach is still upset and I'm not hungry.

    I've tried to keep drinking water too but that also makes my stomach hurt. Assuming this goes away soon and I'm able to eat relatively normal again, any suggestions on foods that are easy to digest but also relatively healthy?

    Also, Since i'm not really fueling my body right I assume I probably shouldn't be doing much excercise as well. anyone else been in the same boat recently? I only get sick like every other year so when I do it is hard to know what i should or shouldn't be eating/doing.

    You should do a clear liquid diet for a day or so to rest your GI tract. Unless you are diabetic, you want to be eating/drinking things like regular jello (not sugar free), gatorade, broth, ginger ale or sprite/7up...basically anything clear.
  • MoonShadow_1au
    MoonShadow_1au Posts: 149 Member
    Got hit with the gastric bug yesterday, tried to stick with black tea and sugar and toast. You just have to forget about cal intake until you can intake.

    What I would like to know (sorry for being graphic) is if you eat something and it comes back up how do you count those calories ???
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Just wait until you feel better before you worry about dieting
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    yep, when you're sick you don't worry about calories or what it is. just eat what you can stand or keep down.

    When I'm sick all I can eat is:
    Chicken noodle soup or clear broth
    Saltine crackers
    Small fruit smoothies (without dairy, dairy on a sick tummy is just asking for trouble)
    Hot tea
    Fruit punch

    When my kid is sick she will only eat:
    Plain noodles
    White rice
    Fruit cups
    Toast occasionally

    If water makes your stomach sick try chewing on some ice chips. Gotta get those fluids!
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I don't calorie count when I'm sick...I'm usually losing weight anyway, so I don't worry about it. My stomach is so sensitive when I get sick that literally the only thing I will eat are broth soups and bread. I'm recovering from a 3-month bout of pneumonia (where I actually DID gain weight, because I was on two epic rounds of steroids), but my fiancee was always making trips to the Asian restaurants in town for egg drop soup, etc.
  • wildhehr2
    wildhehr2 Posts: 122 Member
    Don't worry about exercise or calorie counting until you feel better. For some reason, whenever I'm sick, the only thing I can keep down is chocolate milk. For my DH it's chicken soup and saltines. For my kids, it's peanut butter cookies (hey--when they're sick, you'll give them anything to make them feel better). As long as it's not long term, it'll all even out.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    All eating good food is off when I get sick, just get better first! Not eating is not a bad thing if your trying to loose weight anyway. LOL
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    All eating good food is off when I get sick, just get better first! Not eating is not a bad thing if your trying to loose weight anyway. LOL
