Where do I start???

In full time nursing school, busy, study all the time, married, junk food and fast food. HATE THE WAY I LOOK! According to my doctor I could lose 100 pounds but my goal is 60...

Where do I start??? I'm trying to count calories using this thing and can't believe when you actually keep track of everything you eat, how much you are actually eating. Need some motivational friends! :)


  • vxmittyxv
    vxmittyxv Posts: 122 Member
    I would start with eliminating or at least minimizing you fast food and junk food intake. Trust me, I know how hard it is to maintain healthy eating habit while in school. I personally gained 45 lbs while getting my bachelors degrees. I know how hectic the schedule can get and how it just seems like there isn't time. Start with making a point of packing you food for the day, either in the mornings or at night. That way you are not force to stop for fast food on the way to school.

    I can seem overwhelming when you are looking at the total number. Start with baby step. I personally make goals 10 lbs at a time. the big number is to much to think about. Hang in there you will start seeing change not only in you body but in the amount of energy you have too.

    Feel free to friend request me if you want.
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    Everybody is different but I'm slowly getting back on track. I've now successfully gone to the gym 3 times this week, tonight being my 4th. Before this, I was sedentary and didn't do anything. I'm a full-time student, part time worker, military/extracurricular obligations, etc. I kept telling myself that I had no time to spend an hour or two in the gym until I shortly realized that there's plenty of time to get things done.

    It's all a lifestyle that acts as one big infrastructure. Each part of your change supports another. For example when I lift heavy at the gym, I will feel more inclined to eat healthy in an effort to not ruin all of my hard work.

    It all depends on where you want to start though, as you asked. I just dropped everything on myself at once. Some people don't know how to do that and end up failing. Alternatively, you can start with either easy cardio, healthy eating, weight training, fitness classes, or whatever you want. The hardest part is starting, the next hardest thing is keeping motivated, but once the ball starts rolling it will all get better (assuming your routine doesn't change drastically).
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    I go to school full time too, so I understand where you are comming from.
    I would start with little changes at a time, like cutting down a bit on the junk food, excersize a few days a week, etc.... It's the little things that count and over time those -lbs do add up. :)

    If you want a new friend please feel free to add me. :)
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    By the way, I know how easy it is to go and buy McDonald's. They're only open 24/7 and offer full meals when everywhere else is closed. Even junk food, because there's no preparation involved when you need something the most during those late cramming nights. I guess to point you in the right direction; I'll tell you what I do when I get cravings. As always, things vary from person to person.
    A can of tuna raw tuna is cheap and takes no prep time other than opening the can itself. It has enough protein in it to keep you feeling full. I’m usually stuffed from the protein shakes that I consume after the gym. Due to my schedule, I’m usually at the gym pretty late at night.
  • 3GKnight
    3GKnight Posts: 203
    Counting is the first step. Just realizing how much you're actually consuming can be a big wake up call. When I first started counting, I was surprised to see that I would hit my suggested goal about half way through lunch.

    Friend me if you'd like to.
  • readysetgo786
    I completely understand where you're coming from... tracking everything is overwhelming, especially when we aren't eating things that are too good for us :/ My weakness has always been fast food so what I do is allow myself to go once a week at most and order a sandwich or burger and get a salad with dressing on the side. I usually eat the salad first so it fills me up a little. I also make sure to tell them to keep the fatty stuff off like cheese and mayo, but I still keep some extras on it....You shouldn't have to deprive yourself and you will be more likely to stick to something if you are able to enjoy yourself a little. Hope I helped :) good luck!
  • sras13
    Busy people need to learn to always have healthy snacks on them. I needed to learn this as I am a full time student, I work full time, I have a very large family, and I want to impress my man constantly! (Been together for 3 years now and I don't want to be the girl that doesn't care about impressing her boyfriend anymore because I do!) Fruit is always a good choice, nuts, carrots, etc. When you feel a bit hungry and its not a designated meal time then eat a healthy snack, it'll make you feel better and lose the excess weight. Your body doesn't want to starve either, eating small amounts very often boosts your metabolism helping you lose weight quicker!
  • Naomi_84
    Naomi_84 Posts: 197 Member
    I agree just logging on here is the first step but you must be honest or there's no point. You need to log every tablespoon of mayonnaise, the butter on your toast and weigh out portions of potatoes and pasta for accuracy.

    I think to begin you have to get back to basics, we all know what types of foods we should be eating but getting it all in is easier said than done. What I do is make sure I have lots of fruit in, I have to also sit down (usually on a Sunday) and plan all meals for the next week, I make a list and go to the shop and I know what I'm going to be eating every day. This way there is less room for me to go off track. Cut down on salt and sugar, get rid of microwave meals and start cooking. It can be a huge effort but you can keep yourself motivated by trying new things each . Allow yourself one takeaway a week if that's what you enjoy, you don't have to deprive yourself.

    Start small, don't cut your calories back right away. I have mine set at 1500 a day, it feels like a lot but I'm still seeing results. Good luck!!
  • Karamonster
    Karamonster Posts: 40 Member
    Wow I am feeling encouraged already...thank you everyone so much. I have lost the weight before, I know I can do it again. I am loving all this motivation. I cannot thank you enough.
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    I agree, start with cutting out the junk food.

    If you have so little time, start pre-making lunches to take with you.

    Pack snack of fruits and veggies.

    Keep up on your logging no matter what.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I haven't read any of the other responses, so I don't know if I'm doubling up...

    Where do you start? You start by logging everything that goes in your mouth, regardless of your calorie goal. Do that for a week. Then, the next week, you try to reduce the number by 100 calories a day. Look over your diary and see where you can reduce just 100 small calories each day. Do that gradually over the next couple of weeks, and in no time you'll be arriving at your goal calories without a second thought.

    Then comes exercise. Try to move for 30 minutes a day. Walk, run, bike, play. Anything. Each week increase the intensity or duration of your workouts. Make it a part of your daily routine - except for your rest day.... we all need a rest day!

    Drastic changes will bring excellent results, but I find them unsustainable. It's just too hard to do the right thing all the time if you've been doing the wrong thing all your life. Slowly making changes is less of a shock!!
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    it *may* seem like A LOT - to keep track of everything- but the more you begin to realize how it ALL adds up, the more aware you become of the choices you make....

    it's kinda like tracking every penny you spend- and you're shocked to find out that $1 here, $2 here adds up to 25, 30, 50 you were spending without any thought....

    As everyone else has suggested...take it slow and steady....set mini goals.....
    and although 60 seems more doable to you......don't discard your Dr.'s advice.....
    My guess is you'll see results........and drop off more than 60.......
    it's not a race to get to the finish line the fastest....it's a lifestyle change.......
    one that will affect your choices later on.......and you won't put it all back on again!
    aim for a healthy BMI/Body Fat/good lab work.......those are good indicators of overall health....

    And BEST WISHES to you-
    Gather a great deal of MFP friends' support- they will cheer you on @ the times when you get discouraged-
    and you can share your ups and downs with them- and cheer them on as well!
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Here's another helpful hint- peruse other people's diaries that are OPEN to your viewing-

    that's a good place to get some ideas for meals/snacks.......
  • bmjohnso9192
    One thing that has really helped me is to plan my meals. I am also very busy, so I will cook a meal one night, and portion it into a few containers. As long as you have access to a microwave, you're good. Also, before I go to bed, I make myself a healthy sandwich or salad for lunch at work to go with yogurt, or fruit. Pack healthy snacks, and when you grocery shop, stay out of those "bad" aisles (chips, pop ect) When I am in a hurry for breakfast, I will eat a protein bar (special k) and grab an apple. You CAN have conveinence and health all in the same package!