Jullian Michaels shred or zumba?

Im looking for something to get me jumpstarted on losing the weight and wondering which of these is the best or do any of you know of another workout. Ive heard a lot of good things about shred. Whats your thought? :)


  • pmich08
    pmich08 Posts: 193
    I don't know who Jullian Michaels is, but Jillian kicks butt.
    I'd pick her over Zumba for sure, the Shred leaned me out the first week I did it.
  • tonyamc1234
    i just seen the typo, sorry i meant jillian and thanks for the input
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I just started the shred yesterday. I've heard great things about it. If you search the forums for 30 day shred results, you'll see why.
  • tonyamc1234
    i just watched a video on youtube of a girl doing level 3. it definately looks like it will work
  • Demmuscles
    Demmuscles Posts: 228 Member
    Both? I go to a zumba fitness class once a week - so much fun and cool ladies, and I have just started the 30 DS which I will do every day except the day I have zumba....
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Both! I do the shred, yoga, and additional cardio. I've done a few zumba classes and it's great.
  • JenS0301
    JenS0301 Posts: 37 Member
    I love the shred but I also do Zumba a few times a week. Great workout and keeps you motivated!
  • Emme727
    Emme727 Posts: 92 Member
    I do both. They both work well. I burn more calories with zumba, but get a lot more upper body work with shred. They also work a little differently -- some parts of my body work harder with one than the other. In my opinion, I would choose based on what type of activity I was accustomed to doing (if I was running daily, I would choose shred. If I was in a weight room, I would choose zumba).
  • k4evans1
    k4evans1 Posts: 145 Member
    Why not alternate both? I would do zumba in a class though- the dvds seem boring. If you are talking of DVDs only, I'd pick Jillian!
  • Gspice3
    Gspice3 Posts: 88 Member
    I like zumba :)
  • thefifthvalue
    thefifthvalue Posts: 93 Member
    I'm another one that says both!! :)
  • MegSommer
    MegSommer Posts: 539 Member
    Eh, I personally will say 100% Zumba. I did the shred and didn't lose weight doing it. I did lose a few inches but no major weight loss (not a bad thing!!) But im also biased because i cannot do the same workout everyday either like with 30DS. Zumba is more varied.
    With that said you could definately do both. Look up Zumba on youtube and make a playlist instead of buying the game (or buy the game, just thinking of your wallet here) and 30DS is like $15 TOPS at target or walmart. So do both :drinker:
  • tonyamc1234
    thanks everyone and i agree i think both would get rid of the weight switching them up. i already have a zumba dvd and have started doing it so now i just gotta add in the shred. :)
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Today was day 6 of the Shred for me. Day 1 thought I was going to die. Wore my husband's HRM and burned 268. Day 2 I felt stronger. Burned 248 that day. I did two days without the HRM, and then yesterday burned 230 and today burned 243. So I'm obviously improving. My max heart rate was 193 the first time, now it's like 168 when all is said and done. I'm anxious to see what happens when I switch to workout 2 in a few days!

    That said, I'm pretty impressed with it. The first two days my legs killed, the next two days my abs killed, and now I'm kind of in an ab/arm aching phase. So it really does seem to work all of you out, too!

    I haven't tried Zumba. I have a good friend that is doing it twice a week, but she's not noticing much other than she sweats a lot, and hasn't lost weight at all. I don't know all the specifics there, though, so I wouldn't take that into consideration. I just haven't been motivated to leave home in the evenings to do it!
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    I would say do both. I would love to do zumba but I can't get my coordination good enough to keep up. I have done and am currently on level 2 of Jillian 30DS. Some people don't see a lot of weight loss with Jillian but when u take measurements... that is where it really shows. A 20 minute workout that will totally kick your *kitten*!!!!
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    I'd personally pick Zumba. I've tried both, and Zumba - especially with an instructor that fits your style - is SO much fun! I got a little bored of Jillian's workout, though you might like it. It's cheaper, you do it at home!

    I liked Zumba so much that I got certified to teach it, and taught it. It's really fun as an instructor, too. :)
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    I love Zumba (I have the dvd's), but they were getting boring so now we are switching among the dvd's daily. My husband and I cannot dance so we are thinking about getting a different video. I may try Jillian's Shred.
  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    I say both because JM will tone you while zumba will give you a greater cardio burn. both beneficial in my opinion. So far I have lost 32 pds and countless inches. Do 6 days a week, 1 toning and one cardio in the morning and same in the evening.
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Done both. Depends on what your goal is. If it is to lose weight, then zumba is better and has more calories burned in timeframe. If goal is to tone/define, then 30DS is a lot better. People complain that they don't lose weight on 30DS, but it isn't really for weight loss. It focuses on building lean muscles, which will help you burn more calories at rest.

    If you decide to do Zumba, I would recommend doing LVL 1 of 30 DS 2-3 times a week (especially if you aren't doing anything else for strength training)
  • BecLBe
    BecLBe Posts: 12 Member
    I must be the only one, I hate Zumba. But if your can enjoy it while getting a killer sweat on, then I say do both. I'm personally more of a Shred, weights, go running kind of gal.