Did you lose your baby weight?

I wanted some mums to inspire me with pics or some info if they lost all there baby weght my kids are now 4 and 5 years old,I was always a very small girl flat stomach and all then after my kids bang i had a big stomach bulge and love handles....No matter what i do they never go this is not my real body and i want my old body back some mums say they got there bodys back and some say you can never get rid of the baby bulge please give me real storys.What did you for exersice wise to lose it what type of foods did you eat how long did it take you etc?


  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    i lost all the weight with my daughter by the time she was 13 months old, and in time for my husbands homecoming from a deployment but right now struggling with losing from my son who turned 2 yesterday :(
  • lucysposaro
    lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
    After baby 1 my weight droped and i lost all that baby weight but after my 2nd has become impossible so really all this was from my 2nd not my first
  • I lost ALL of my weight and then some with our first son but the 2nd time around was harder....he's almost 4 and I just came to the realization that it's not just going to come as it did the first time around...LOL. I've got to actually work hard. I breastfed both so that helped with the weight loss. Good luck to you on your journey!!
  • I am really hoping to lose my baby weight.tho I know its going to take time,I just had my daughter in sept,tho I need more faith and help from seeing others who had babies so i can belive in my self...everyone tells me i can do it because I lost 80pounds before I got pregnant...I wish all the best to you! good luck! :happy:
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    As of this morning I had finally dipped below my pre-baby weight. But I started out heavier than I should, carry a lot of my weight in my middle due to being short torsoed and have never had a flat stomach. But my daughter (my second) is 19 months and I've lost the weight. I got up to over 212 lbs with her=over 40 lbs gained. I still have a bigger tummy than I want due to being incredibly large during both pregnancies (over 54" around 2 weeks before my daughter's due date). I'm considering i-lipo to help with that because I finally want to feel good about my body.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    This is not like right after I had my son but I was pretty big at this point. I have the spaghetti strap on


    This was the halloween before I had my daughter (250lbs here)

    This is me today (took it earlier) 175

    Click here for more of my success

    I'm 10lbs from my weigh in weight with my first OBGYN Appt. with my son.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I went from 127lbs to almost 200 with baby #1. Lost the weight when he was 2 1/2. Got pregnant with baby #2 and weighed in at about 180/190. I am finally down to 123 now and he is almost 3. So yes, I did! :smile:
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