I want to hear how you do it!

Hello! I am just looking to learn from other people in the MFP community who share my struggles with dieting and fitness. I work 40+ hours a week as a veterinary assistant and I also am taking 18 credit hours/term in college (I am graduating in 15 months!) and I seriously struggle some days. Between classes all day and 12-13 hour work days when I don't have class, my time and funds are super limited. Honestly at my job, if it's a bad day I do not always get a lunch break and on those days I am on the clock from 7:00 am to 7:30 - 8:00 pm without a full meal or even a 10 minute break. It is definitely not ideal but I have to pay tuition somehow and I gotta graduate from college. Between work and school I sometimes struggle to get into the gym 3 days a week, although I really try to get in more.

I am not throwing a pity party, I am proud of the progress I have made so far and know I will continue until I hit my goal. I also know there is no way I am the only person on MFP who has these issues. I want to hear back from the students and/or people who are working tough jobs w/ long hours, or just from anyone who wants to post and know what your tips and tricks are for having the energy and finding the time for your goals :)

My personal technique so far includes a bazillion magazine clip-outs in my room and on my fridge of people I admire physically and also of quotes that motivate me (I personally love Jillian Michael's "Your legs are not giving out, your head is. Keep going!") My strategy for getting in my gym time is to get myself one new clothing or shoe item per month if I go to the gym at least 3 days each week during that month. What are your strategies? My hope is that we can all get some great tips and tricks from each other :)