Tomorrow is weigh in day!

Tomorrow sees me complete my first 8 week challenge with my personal trainer. I am currently sitting in about 8th place out of 42 and tomorrow will see where I finish. My goal was always top 5 and I have come to the realisation that even if I don't get top 5 that I have still achieved so much.

I am the heaviest girl int he competition but about 30kg and the second heaviest of all the contestants.
I have lost 6.7kg (14lb7oz) in those 7 and a bit weeks and I would be super chuffed to say I have lost 8 in 8 weeks. If I don't quite get to my 8kg, I will still be thankful.
I have been to the trainer 3 times a week (2 personal training and 1 group session)
I have logged my calories every day and not eaten my exercise calories
I have had to buy a new pair of pants that are two sizes smaller because the others just look ridiculous
I have had people notice my weight loss even though in the grand scheme of things, I have really lost only a little of what I need to lose
I feel better about myself
I make healthier food choices

The reality is that I am so far behind first place that it would be insane of me to try and achieve it. She is sitting on14% weight loss and I am sitting at about 5%.....

So, I will take whatever weightloss comes off tomorrow and just accept it as my bodies way of keeping me on track but still living my great life.
My aim is to be able to make healthier choices so that long term I keep the weight off. Do I miss my chocolates and lollies and chips and biscuits and cakes.... you bet I do. Do I miss sitting down for dinner to a bowl of pasta with a creamy pesto sauce..... omg yes! I am sure at times I will still have these things, just in moderation.

My next goal is to maintain this weight for the next four weeks (and possibly lose but not gain) while I am on vacation and then come January 16 start a whole new 8 weeks.

Wish me luck!!!!