Cardio or lift or both??

I have seen alot of advice here on lifting heavier weights and eating more to get a better, leaner sculpt. I have a few questions.
#1. Is it best to do cardio before, after, or intervals when lifting?
#2. Why do you need to up your calorie intake and by how much?
#3. What are the best foods to eat when lifting?
#4.Can you lift weights alone without doing much cardio and still lose weight?
Im new to lifting weights so any advice would be greatly appreciated:)


  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    First, are you looking to shed bodyfat, or gain muscle?

    #1. Is it best to do cardio before, after, or intervals when lifting?
    Lift first, then do your cardio. This makes sure you are fresh as a daisy to lift and reduces the chance of injury.

    #2. Why do you need to up your calorie intake and by how much?
    I'm not sure about this since I haven't gone into strict gain mode yet, but MFP does have an option for this, I think. If not, the pros for this will be by shortly, I'm sure! :)

    #3. What are the best foods to eat when lifting?
    Really up to you here, but shoot for at least 1-2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight.

    #4.Can you lift weights alone without doing much cardio and still lose weight?
    Strength training does burn calories, but I find cardio better if I'm trying to shed bodyfat. Regardless, lifting will reshape the way your body looks without taking any numbers off your weight on the scale.

    Don't be afraid to lift heavy! :)
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    Lifting is good, but start from small weights and get heavier when you get used to it.
    I am not sure whats your goal, but if weight loss than I wouldn't eat more calorie, but eat lean avoiding sugar, salt, carbs.
    I am working out 6 times a week 30 minutes at least and if I include cardio I do after my weight lifting.
    Here is some useful site:

    for clean eating :

    Hope these helps.
    Feel free to add me I am doing daily mini challenges, that might help you or give you some ideas :)
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    Thanks! I am looking to gain muscle and shred:)
  • xsimplytwistedx
    xsimplytwistedx Posts: 39 Member
    thx daffodilsoup! ran across this thread and it answered alot of stuff i was curious about .i love mfp lol. good luck traceracer!
  • Summonabotch
    Summonabotch Posts: 8 Member
    #1) already been answered

    #2) you won't make big gains in muscle building if you're starving your body of the calories it needs to bulk up. With that said, I've been taking in 200-600 fewer calories per day than recommended and have still seen significant muscle gain. I'm no Schwarzenegger but the change is noticeable.

    #3) the body needs protein to build muscle. I drink a whey protein shake right after a workout and throughout the day while my muscles are recovering. Be careful though, too much whey protein will bind you up good and give you gas. I mix 1 scoop of powder with 12oz. of milk and drink 4oz at a time to keep my digestion from revolting.

    #4) I haven't seen any weight loss myself from weightlifting alone but they say it burns calories for hours after the session. I dropped 50 lbs before I started hitting the weights hard though and it may just be the plateau I'm stuck on. However, it has made all the difference in my appearance. When I lost the weight I looked hollow and my skin was hanging on me. Now I look healthy and fit. Even my posture has improved greatly.

    Weightlifting just makes you feel better about yourself. My wife thinks it's funny but I'm constantly pointing out new areas that have toned up. It's a blast and I just plain feel healthier.

  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I have seen alot of advice here on lifting heavier weights and eating more to get a better, leaner sculpt. I have a few questions.
    #1. Is it best to do cardio before, after, or intervals when lifting?
    #2. Why do you need to up your calorie intake and by how much?
    #3. What are the best foods to eat when lifting?
    #4.Can you lift weights alone without doing much cardio and still lose weight?
    Im new to lifting weights so any advice would be greatly appreciated:)

    1 - After. Use your energy to really lift heavy then do cardio after

    2 - In order to gain muscle you will need to be eating over maintenance. Unless you are new to lifting or getting back into it. Then you can have some muscle gains, but not huge amounts and it does not last very long, maybe a few months.

    3 - Try to get 1g per lb of body weight and .35 time body weight in fats. These are minimums. Spread the rest however you want (yay carbs!)

    4 - You do not have to do cardio to lose weight. Doing only lifting will still give you great results! If you want I can show you a few users that do just that :]

    Lift heavy things! It is my favorite workout, I love feeling strong
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    4 - You do not have to do cardio to lose weight. Doing only lifting will still give you great results! If you want I can show you a few users that do just that :]

    As long as your managing your diet.. but I am assuming that is assumed ! :)

    Yeap! Calorie deficit is what is causing the weight loss. The exercises you do effects body composition :]
  • sassy1750lady
    Wow, I'm surprised that everyone said "lift before doing cardio"! I've always done my lifting after cardio. I believe in warming up my muscles before using them, I guess I'm scared of injury. That's always worked best for me, even if I just did 10 minutes on the treadmill before.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Stretching will do a better job of warming up your muscles IMO
    Like I said, you are going to want to use your energy stores and power on lifting first! To really put up some weight. Then go at cardio if you'd like
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I have seen alot of advice here on lifting heavier weights and eating more to get a better, leaner sculpt. I have a few questions.
    #1. Is it best to do cardio before, after, or intervals when lifting?
    #2. Why do you need to up your calorie intake and by how much?
    #3. What are the best foods to eat when lifting?
    #4.Can you lift weights alone without doing much cardio and still lose weight?
    Im new to lifting weights so any advice would be greatly appreciated:)

    1) I don't do cardio at all really, but if I did I would do it after lifting as I don't want to be too fatigued, or for the cardio to affect how much I lift.

    2) You don't need to up your calorie intake, lifting while on a deficit helps to retain muscle mass, and makes you stronger. When you lose body fat (which comes through a deficit) your muscles will show more creating a tighter, leaner body. If you want to gain actual muscle mass though, you generally need to be in a surplus, I've heard 10-20% above maintenance is good. You will gain fat too though and most people decide to cut the fat / maintain muscle after a while at the surplus.

    3) As long as you're getting adequate protein/fat/carbs I don't really think that there is a "best food" but you need a decent amount of protein to help build/repair muscles. You use carbs for energy (although some will say they get on great low carb, for a lot of people this isn't for them) and you need healthy fats in your diet.

    4) I have lost weight without doing cardio. You can lose weight with food only, although I would advise exercise in strength training form, you help create a more "toned" body as you maintain the muscle there. Cardio helps in 2 ways, it increases your cardiovasular health, if you're not that active in your daily life, or feel you're unfit it would probably be best to get some, it also increases your deficit. If you have the deficit you want through food already, then you should really be eating your exercise cals back, unless you want a bigger deficit (not always healthy)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Wow, I'm surprised that everyone said "lift before doing cardio"! I've always done my lifting after cardio. I believe in warming up my muscles before using them, I guess I'm scared of injury. That's always worked best for me, even if I just did 10 minutes on the treadmill before.

    You will lift heavier and more intensely if you lift first. If you do cardio first, your glycogen stores are gone and you are not only lifting lighter than you would have an hour before, you could get injured more easily.

    I hop on a cardio machine for 5 minutes, then lift...and if I do cardio in the same session, it comes last.
  • sassy1750lady
    10 min on the treadmill or elliptical is great for warming up.. but I wouldn't consider that any part of my cardio workout. One should always warm up first. When i do the weights.. i use very light weight and some stretching to warm up (esp when working shoulders). Then later when doing my cardio i do like 5 min of warmup on the machine I am doing my cardio on to warmup then elevate my intensity

    Yeah, I don't consider 10 minutes a cardio workout either. Just a warm-up! :)