I'm not really sure where this should go, but please avoid:

littlewrists Posts: 25
edited October 2024 in Motivation and Support
user: beachburntant_man

I want to report him but I am not sure why. He has a lot of girls suffering from / on the borders of eating disorders on his friends list and is going around giving them very unhealthy advice - mainly about ending up with a negative balance at the end of the day (IE, burning off all plus more of your intake...).

When I questioned him about it, he told me that he has a degree in nutrition, which I don't believe can be true with advice like that.

So, anyway, I don't know why or who or what is going on with him, I just wanted to find out what I can do to stop him spreading his poison to vulnerable girls.

Here is one response I got when questioning his advice:

"yes.. think about a maths equation if you the same amount of food and exercise the same amount would wont lose weight, if you eat less and exercise more it will create a negative balance.the negative balance will create weight loss.if you eat more and don't exercise you will be in a positive balance and you will put weight on..hence overweight they dont exercise and over eat! ps i have a degree in nutrition!"


  • He also just called me a "stupid *****". How lovely.
  • fatallybroken
    fatallybroken Posts: 33 Member
    Its frustrating but theres so many of them out there. The girls looking for ana buddies online get added by these guys who say they can help them lose all this weight then when vulnrable say show me on cam and ill tell you wherr you need work.
    These people are disgusting.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Report to the moderators immediately. That's ridiculous.
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