Men do you?



  • djdelano
    If your spouse doesn't know you well enough to think of one thing you might like, that's pretty bad. My husband and I have fun thinking of things they might like. How about making a mental note, of something the other mentioned they would like earlier in the year, but wouldn't buy for themselves?

    seriously, you can't think of one thing?

    This is a bear trap that absolutely must cease ladies. We cannot, and never will be able to read your minds. Give us plenty of ideas openly and plainly so we can at least TRY and hit the moving target.

    I ask for the same thing every year, nothing. If I want something and it's within my budget I get it whether it's mid february or December 23rd. Chrismas is an overreaching, materialistic, commericial disaster that causes more stress, anxiety, bitterness than any good it might do.

  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    The fun in giving presents is watching my wife's face when she opens the gift. No way would I give that up.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Wouldn't it depend on the preference of the person recieving the gift? Some people like suprises, others don't. I like a combination and so does my wife. I usually ask, as does she, for one thing that we need or want. Then we get small things, gag gifts, silly stuff, and they are usually awesome. Best gift ever from my wife, extendable monkey claw back scratcher. I don't know what gift she liked the best.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I don't like being surprised, not sure why. Hubby has great taste just don't like being surprised.
    He can buy me the gift but if money is coming out of our account I will know something is being purchased. I handle the money and you bet I am going to find out why and where it is going. He doesn't handle money well, that definitely ruins surprises.
    He bought me something for my B-day, it is on 12/31, still haven't seen it, but I know it has been costing us 300/month for 5 months now. I think it is jewelry, I love jewelry!
    I found out the first month it came out, he tried not to tell me what the 300 was for (I don't take no for an answer).
    I won't look for it, I will wait for him to give it to me and be romantic; its mine anyway :)
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    I always ask for a list and every year participate in a Guys Night of shopping. I got teased about the list at first but starting to see more guys with list in the group. Before kids, she always had "A Baby" on the list. Imagine the comments I got on that one.

    I would love to surprise my Wife but she is impossible to shop for. Extremely picky.
  • Lifting_chick
    Lifting_chick Posts: 275 Member
    My husband just hands me money......some of you that like to shop might find that is great, but I usually just end up paying a bill or something like that. I don't buy alot of stuff for myself so my best gifts come from my family and friends.
  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    Tell your boss to man up. He should show her he cares by picking out something meaningful that shows he cares about her and understands her wants, needs, desires..... (sound like any other aspect of a good relationship????). Doesn't need to cost much, but it should certainly show he listens to her.
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    My husband and I never exchange gifts on Christmas, Valentines day, or birthdays. Christmas at our house is more for the kids and in fact I'm trying to convince them all to skip Christmas next year and let's go on vacation somewhere tropical.

    We treat each other and ourselves regularly enough throughout the year that it's no big deal to make a point of giving gifts. We do usually go out on a date on Christmas though, usually a movie and I enjoy that more than some gift that I may or may not have wanted.
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    I let him know, and this year I even gave him links online to the jewlerly I liked. I like to buy presents for him and I think he does to :-)
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    We do not as a rule.
    We both have everything we every wanted, but sometimes I'll just pick something up I know she'd like as in protein bars or shakes.

    For her birthday and mine, we go out for dinner, but for x-mas or whatever, no.
    And I don't like gifts from others either. The cologne I won't like, the tie I won't wear, the shirt will be detestable and the slippers just too goofy to be seen in. I re-gift most of this junk to the mail person or door guy at the office - people who matter but go unseen for the most part.

    The last gift she presented were some shoes from Italy - hand made and very expensive. I shipped them off to my sister's boyfriend - HATED THEM!

    People that know me know: NO GIFTS!

    Just bring
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    My boss at work and I were talking yesterday about Christmas presents. He told me that he does not get his wife's present. That she tells him what she wants, how much it costs, and she goes and gets the present and wraps it. Now I think this is terrible. I personally like to be surprised by my man. Granted there is an up side to it, she does get exactly what she wants, but where's the fun and mystery?

    So MFP men, do you get your wife a present, or do you let you wife pick out the present and go get it like my boss? LOL husband is waiting on the answer to see if he can get out of it this year..(NOT)

    How long are they married? Maybe he is super busy. Maybe he is very disabled. There are many reasons why hw does this. Perhaps she dosent mind as it saves him stress, and his needs are more important then hers.
    My father did that with my Mother. I do not know when he started doing it. It didnt mean he didnt love her, or that your BF loves you more.You are young. Ever married? How long with the BF> Do NOt judge others. You are not God. As long as you are happy.
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    My wife like me to get her presents, but often doesn't trust me to get the right thing. She often comes home and shows me what I got her for Christmas/birthday/anniversary etc. I still try to surprise her with something totally unexpected. This year I got her a couple of cases of her favorite Merlot wine. She never expected to be able to afford any more, but I got a great deal direct from the winery. I am having it shipped to my office so she will not open the cases when they arrive.

    I have to be very sneaky. :happy:
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Tell your boss to man up. He should show her he cares by picking out something meaningful that shows he cares about her and understand her wants, needs, desires..... (sound like any other aspect of a good relationship????). Doesn't need to cost much, but it should certainly show he listens to her.

    Hands down, best answer! I feel the same way when I buy for my man. :)
  • CharityEaton
    We focus more on the kids but I have to admit I am one lucky girl. My husband is usually awesome at surprising me. He will listen to all of the odd ball things I mention in random conversations and he will usually get me EXACTLY what I wanted or mentioned. With everything available online there is no excuse for not being able to research things or ask a close friend for help( he has asked my friend before and even gotten my sister in on a gift before) He even takes our girls shopping to get little gifts for me. Every couple of years he will surprise me with a gift that is amazing...diamond earrings, a necklace with the girls birthstones on it.....It melts my heart to know that he cares and listens enough to know exactly what to get me without me EVER having to tell him what I WANT. He gets me what he thinks I want....and he gets it right every time.
    On the other hand....I do the same for him. Some years I get him a really awesome gift and other years it is just a bunch of small helpful things that he mentioned over the year. We also totally enjoy the thrill of tricking each other with strange packaging and wrapping! It's all about the look of surprise on someone's face when they see that you took a few moments to focus on them during the busy holiday season.
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    He's not disabled, nor is he busy. He just says he's not into all that mushy stuff. I said well at least you buy her a nice card so that she knows you care and his reaction was and I quote "What for?" Now he takes the time to go get his daughter and son gifts strictly from him. So why not her?
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    Tell your boss to man up. He should show her he cares by picking out something meaningful that shows he cares about her and understand her wants, needs, desires..... (sound like any other aspect of a good relationship????). Doesn't need to cost much, but it should certainly show he listens to her.

    Hands down, best answer! I feel the same way when I buy for my man. :)

    I agree, best answer. But believe it or not, I did tell him quote "Grow a pair and make a decision and stick with it, she gets you a present, you need to at least get her a card or something."
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    He's not disabled, nor is he busy. He just says he's not into all that mushy stuff. I said well at least you buy her a nice card so that she knows you care and his reaction was and I quote "What for?" Now he takes the time to go get his daughter and son gifts strictly from him. So why not her?

    Eh maybe he doesn't like her much? It's not mushy, it's thoughtful. But if she doesn't mind then maybe they are on the same page and it's just meant to be :) I'd rather get nothing than buy my own and wrap it because really, what's the difference? I can buy myself stuff any day and not have to bother with wrapping paper!
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    My boyfriend pesters me to tell him what I want. :tongue: I don't like outright asking for things, but he picks up on stuff he knows I want. Like a heart-rate monitor...I've been wanting one since July, and now I'm 99.9% sure that's what he got me. :smile: I would never dream of buying something myself, then telling him "oh by the way, this is from pay up"...that's not a gift, IMO.

    I do the same for him, though. I ask him what he wants. He doesn't outright say. But I pick up on the hints, or I use my best judgement. We try to make stuff thoughtful.
  • PalmettoparkGuy
    PalmettoparkGuy Posts: 212 Member
    I don't really think this is a man/woman topic but a personal preference topic. I am a guy and I'd rather pick out my own stuff too. If there's something I want I buy it, so when someone buys me something, it's usually something I don't need or don't really want. Some people just don't like that whole surprise thing. I don't think it's that the other person is lazy or trying to get out of it.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    My husband doesn't buy me a present unless I tell him what to get me.
    Like literally there will be no present.
    but then there is no surprise.

    So I opt for nothing :S