Brilliant Idea- Anybody know where i can pitch this too?

With the brilliance of Myfitnesspal, it got me to thinking.

With the explosion of smartphones, and the apps, and sites like Myfitnesspal, why hasnt a gym made use of the the barcode reader function to allow you to "scan" a Code, and then use it to log your excercise and track it?

By simply putting a barcode on the machine, and setting up an app you could easily log what your doing, how many reps, minutes, but i could see by scanning a station where a free weight sits, or a machine/bench/etc the appliction could give you all the excercises that can be done , and explanation of how, and a tracker, and reports menu like are available here.

Im not techno savvy at all, but.. seems like an easy thing to set up with the right people behind it dont ya think?


  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I Love Your Idea! Go for it!!
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    My gym has the ability to track all of my workouts on the computer. You login to the computer when you arrive at the gym and then log in on each weight machine and piece of cardio equipment. It also allows you to track workouts not done at the gym. It's called FitLinxx. I get an email monthly with my progress in both cardio and weights.